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SN60BG - Babia Gora

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    SN60BG - Babia Gora

    SN60BG via SP9PGB

    Special Call for 60th anniversary of first QSO from "Babia Gora" mountain. - Loc JN99SN Poland

    SP9PGB Ham Radio Club in Maków Podhalański is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the first amateur radio communications from Babia Góra-Diablak - 1725 m asl. This expedition was organized by members of SP9KBH Ham Radio Club from Żywiec in July 1957. Member of our Club would like to once again celebrate this event by organizing special call station SN60BG (QSL via SP9PGB) that will be on air throughout July 2017. Additionally a special anniversary certificate will be issued. Let's commemorate original efforts and achievements of SP9KBH team.

    QSL via SP9PGB (biuro PZK OT-10)

    All willing will be able to receive PDF certificate for QSO/SWL with SN60BG in July 2017r.

    Please send your request to:

    Subject: SN60BG Certificate for (your callsign)

    Request should contain:

    - callsign

    - operator's full name

    - exact time of QSO/SWL

    QSL cards and certificates will be sent out in August 2017.
    SN60BG Babia Gora Poland
    73 Al 4L5A