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Hurricane Beryl - Radio Amateurs

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    Hurricane Beryl - Radio Amateurs

    RADIO AMATEURS IN THE REGION ALERT FOR HURRICANE BERYL For several days, the emergency coordinators of the countries with coasts on the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico have been closely following the formation and development of the now intense Hurricane Beryl, which has reached category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

    We maintain formidable communication through WhatsApp and through that means Domingo Hernández, YV5IZE, reported that since 8:00 a.m. on June 30, the National Emergency Network of the Venezuelan Radio Club went to the Yellow Alert phase and they work together with the Civil Protection authorities. Likewise, Rafael Martínez, HI8KW confirmed the use of known emergency frequencies for the Emergency Operations Center of the Dominican Republic.

    Via email we learned that the Hurricane Watch Net would be activated on June 30 at 15:00 EDT (19:00 UTC) on 14.325.00 MHz (USB) and also at 19:00 EDT (23:00 UTC) at 7.268.00 MHz (LSB).

    Today Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, reported that on the Hurricane Watch Net they did not hear any radio amateurs from the islands of Carriacou or Grenada. Only a few reports from Saint Lucia and Trinidad, but nothing significant.

    In Cuba we have not yet activated the National Emergency Network but the provincial networks are making preparations and we are also in contact with the Civil Defense to activate the national network when necessary.

    I take this opportunity to share some of the emergency telephone frequencies of the countries in the region that we have updated in the last few hours with several of the emergency coordinators and we will appreciate the protection of them (all frequencies are in kHz):

    Belize: 7177
    Colombia: 3985, 7060, 7240, 7275, 14300, 18160, 21360, 146,520 Costa Rica: 3766, 3896, 7276, 7268, 14306, 14316, 21366, 21376
    Cuba: 3720, 3740, 7110, 7120
    Guatemala: 3750, 3725, 7120, 7240, 14 300, 18160, 21360
    Haiti: 3750, 7150, 14330
    Honduras: 3750, 7143, 7090 (Central American Emergency Network)
    Jamaica: 3775, 7150
    Mexico: 3720, 7060, 7128, 7095, 14120
    Nicaragua: 3798 and 3898, 7098 and 7198, 14198 and 14,298
    Panama: 7085
    Dominican Republic: 7065, 3780
    United States of America: 7268, 14 325 (NHC & HWN), 14 300 (Mobile Service Net),
    14 265 (SATERN)
    Venezuela: 7135

    Due to the path that Hurricane Beryl must follow, colleagues from the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica will surely be activated in the coming days. We appreciate you sending us information about the emergency communications activity of radio amateurs by email or via WhatsApp.

    We wish everyone that they are not affected by this intense hurricane.


    Carlos Alberto Santamaría González, CO2JC

    73 Al 4L5A