Officers elected for 2018 - 2019. The 2018-2019 Officers for the Arizona Outlaws Contest Club (effective June 1, 2018, - May 31, 2019) are:
President: Andy Warycka, NY7N
North Area VP: Ray Benny, N6VR
Central Area VP: Chuck Zanella Sr., KF7U
South Area VP: Owen Watson, AK7W
Secy/Treasurer: Larry Reader, KE2VB
PR/Recruiting: John Arthurs, K7WP
Webmom: Sandy Farley, N7RQ
President: Andy Warycka, NY7N
North Area VP: Ray Benny, N6VR
Central Area VP: Chuck Zanella Sr., KF7U
South Area VP: Owen Watson, AK7W
Secy/Treasurer: Larry Reader, KE2VB
PR/Recruiting: John Arthurs, K7WP
Webmom: Sandy Farley, N7RQ