The first full weekend in April is traditionally booked for The SP DX Contest on HF bands, both CW and Voice. Before you decide to take part in this year’s event, please carefully read the rules.
Last year, the contest committee was replaced and the website was revamped. One major change is the requirement for correct log entries on both sides in order to receive points and multiplier credits. This means, that if log X is correct, but there is any error in log Z, the X operator gets 0 points as well. A missing log X results in 0 points for everyone who made contacts with station X.
The call sign and the exchange must be correctly copied by both stations in order to receive QSO credit.
This led to substantial score reductions for all participants in 2018. The better the antenna, the better operator, the more unconfirmed contacts, the greater reduction. Some DX stations are able to work only a few Big Gun SP stations and do not bother with logs. Some SP operators lost as much as 30% of the score. There is no point in seriously engaging in such contests.
The General Data Protection Regulation
Since last May, all European organisations and businesses must not process personal data without your consent. In plain language, your log contains personal information, such as name, address, call sign, e-mail. Every participant must attach a declaration allowing a particular party – in this case a contest sponsor – to handle this information by electronic means.
Copyright Protection
The European Copyright laws protect even electronic databases created by individuals. You are the author of your log and before the contest sponsor may legally store, duplicate, process and finally publish your log on the web or in print, you have to give up your rights. This means another declaration that must be attached with your log.
The Telecommunications Billing
A contest log contains sensitive data about the stations you contacted. Amateur Radio operators can be easily identified by their call signs. This list may not be published on the web or in print without approval from all parties involved. As far as I know, only the law enforcement agencies can have access to such lists, similar to telecommunications billings.
Things are getting really messed up in Europe. Soon, breathing and looking will be forbidden without proper credentials.
Want to be on the safe side? Do not participate in any European radio contest.
Henryk, SM0JHF
Last year, the contest committee was replaced and the website was revamped. One major change is the requirement for correct log entries on both sides in order to receive points and multiplier credits. This means, that if log X is correct, but there is any error in log Z, the X operator gets 0 points as well. A missing log X results in 0 points for everyone who made contacts with station X.
The call sign and the exchange must be correctly copied by both stations in order to receive QSO credit.
This led to substantial score reductions for all participants in 2018. The better the antenna, the better operator, the more unconfirmed contacts, the greater reduction. Some DX stations are able to work only a few Big Gun SP stations and do not bother with logs. Some SP operators lost as much as 30% of the score. There is no point in seriously engaging in such contests.
The General Data Protection Regulation
Since last May, all European organisations and businesses must not process personal data without your consent. In plain language, your log contains personal information, such as name, address, call sign, e-mail. Every participant must attach a declaration allowing a particular party – in this case a contest sponsor – to handle this information by electronic means.
Copyright Protection
The European Copyright laws protect even electronic databases created by individuals. You are the author of your log and before the contest sponsor may legally store, duplicate, process and finally publish your log on the web or in print, you have to give up your rights. This means another declaration that must be attached with your log.
The Telecommunications Billing
A contest log contains sensitive data about the stations you contacted. Amateur Radio operators can be easily identified by their call signs. This list may not be published on the web or in print without approval from all parties involved. As far as I know, only the law enforcement agencies can have access to such lists, similar to telecommunications billings.
Things are getting really messed up in Europe. Soon, breathing and looking will be forbidden without proper credentials.
Want to be on the safe side? Do not participate in any European radio contest.
Henryk, SM0JHF