Hello Contesters
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RSGB DX Contest
Please put the RSGB DX Contest in your diary – Sunday 8 October 2017.
This year the contest is a single day event but has been expanded to 18 hours, running from 05:00 - 23:00 UTC and now includes SSB and CW on the 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz bands. The contest exchange is simply RS(T) plus serial number - starting at 1 and incrementing by 1, irrespective of band. All QSOs will score but points are higher for DX QSOs and higher band contacts.
Multipliers are the countries of the DXCC list on each band and mode for United Kingdom, Channel Island and Isle of Man stations and for other stations the first contact with each United Kingdom, Channel Island or Isle of Man callsign prefix, for example, G3, GJ0, MM0 etc., on each band and each mode will be a multiplier.
The DX Contest is a development of a long established series of HF contests on 21 and 28 MHz which is now enhanced to accommodate a period of reduced propagation on the higher bands. This contest is always an excellent opportunity for United Kingdom, Channel Island and Isle of Man stations to have DX QSOs and for other stations to work United Kingdom , Channel Island and Isle of Man stations on multiple bands and modes.
The contest is held near to the autumnal equinox which can deliver excellent world-wide propagation.
Scores in the DX Contest contribute towards the RSGB HF Championship.
The full rules can be found at http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2017/rOctoberDX.shtml
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73 Chris
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RSGB DX Contest
Please put the RSGB DX Contest in your diary – Sunday 8 October 2017.
This year the contest is a single day event but has been expanded to 18 hours, running from 05:00 - 23:00 UTC and now includes SSB and CW on the 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz bands. The contest exchange is simply RS(T) plus serial number - starting at 1 and incrementing by 1, irrespective of band. All QSOs will score but points are higher for DX QSOs and higher band contacts.
Multipliers are the countries of the DXCC list on each band and mode for United Kingdom, Channel Island and Isle of Man stations and for other stations the first contact with each United Kingdom, Channel Island or Isle of Man callsign prefix, for example, G3, GJ0, MM0 etc., on each band and each mode will be a multiplier.
The DX Contest is a development of a long established series of HF contests on 21 and 28 MHz which is now enhanced to accommodate a period of reduced propagation on the higher bands. This contest is always an excellent opportunity for United Kingdom, Channel Island and Isle of Man stations to have DX QSOs and for other stations to work United Kingdom , Channel Island and Isle of Man stations on multiple bands and modes.
The contest is held near to the autumnal equinox which can deliver excellent world-wide propagation.
Scores in the DX Contest contribute towards the RSGB HF Championship.
The full rules can be found at http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2017/rOctoberDX.shtml
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73 Chris