Batavia Contest will be held on every first weekend in August. In 2020 it will starts: Saturday August 1 00:00 UTC Ends: Sunday August 2 23:59 UTC
This contest aims to make amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs and Indonesian contesters as many as possible.
Bands used are: 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.
The contest exchange is the first 4-character Grid Square participant location, e.g OI16 for OI16LU.
The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of Country and Prefixes multipliers
Every station can make QSO once on every band. QSO points are:
For Indonesian Station
QSO with stations In Indonesia worth one (1) point.
QSO with stations Outside Indonesia worth two (2) points.
For Non Indonesian Station
QSO with Indonesian station worth two (2) point.
QSO with Different Country Non Indonesian station count one (1) point.
QSO with same country will count for zero (0) point but still possible count for Country or Prefixes multiplier.
If a duplicate is found in the log, only 1 QSO is taken from the duplicate. Other QSO duplication is considered non-existent and no penalty is given.
Errors in writing exchange reports, callsign, time difference more than 1 minutes, NIL (not in other log) causing the QSO not to get points and multiplier.
There are two types of multipliers in Batavia FT8 Contest.
Prefix Multiplier. Will count once for each world prefixes on each band.
Country (DXCC) Multiplier. Will count once for each country (DXCC) on each band.
Contest Category.
Single Operator All Band. All entrants are Single Operator who carry out every activity in the contest with no time limit of operation or band change.
Checklog. All contest participant who sends his logsheet but does not want to be included in the judging..
Contest Prize.
All participants except in Checklog Category is entitled to a certificate. An electronics certificate will available for download in this website.
There are also several plaques from sponsors, which are contested. Find it here
Reporting QSOs
Send your logs in cabrillo format only.
Before sending logs, make sure your logs contains every required data. Logs header, Frequency, Date and time, your and worked station callsign, sent and received exchange should be wrote correctly.
Missing any required header data in logs causing entrants category classified to Checklog
Rename your log using your callsign so it’s easier to recognize. E.g yb0xxx.log.
Your can use any converter software to convert from ADIF log to Cabrillo log.
Submit your log here
You will receive an email confirmation of sent logs. And a list of received logs available here
If you found some mistake, you can re-submit your log to fix it. Dont worry about duplicate logs, we will use your last sent logs as the valid log.
Log submit deadline is 14 days after the contest.
General rules:
You must write in the log same callsign that you used during the contest.
In addition to the rules in this contest, you must also comply with local regulations in your country.
The use of QSO finding system are allowed but please dont do a self spotting or asking for spot from other.
Remote operation is permitted if the physical location of all transmitters, receivers, and antennas located not more than 500 meters.
Dont do unsportsmanlike conduct.
The committee responsible to make a disciplinary actions for entrants who made violation of the rules.
The committee decision is final.
This contest aims to make amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs and Indonesian contesters as many as possible.
Bands used are: 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.
The contest exchange is the first 4-character Grid Square participant location, e.g OI16 for OI16LU.
The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of Country and Prefixes multipliers
Every station can make QSO once on every band. QSO points are:
For Indonesian Station
QSO with stations In Indonesia worth one (1) point.
QSO with stations Outside Indonesia worth two (2) points.
For Non Indonesian Station
QSO with Indonesian station worth two (2) point.
QSO with Different Country Non Indonesian station count one (1) point.
QSO with same country will count for zero (0) point but still possible count for Country or Prefixes multiplier.
If a duplicate is found in the log, only 1 QSO is taken from the duplicate. Other QSO duplication is considered non-existent and no penalty is given.
Errors in writing exchange reports, callsign, time difference more than 1 minutes, NIL (not in other log) causing the QSO not to get points and multiplier.
There are two types of multipliers in Batavia FT8 Contest.
Prefix Multiplier. Will count once for each world prefixes on each band.
Country (DXCC) Multiplier. Will count once for each country (DXCC) on each band.
Contest Category.
Single Operator All Band. All entrants are Single Operator who carry out every activity in the contest with no time limit of operation or band change.
Checklog. All contest participant who sends his logsheet but does not want to be included in the judging..
Contest Prize.
All participants except in Checklog Category is entitled to a certificate. An electronics certificate will available for download in this website.
There are also several plaques from sponsors, which are contested. Find it here
Reporting QSOs
Send your logs in cabrillo format only.
Before sending logs, make sure your logs contains every required data. Logs header, Frequency, Date and time, your and worked station callsign, sent and received exchange should be wrote correctly.
Missing any required header data in logs causing entrants category classified to Checklog
Rename your log using your callsign so it’s easier to recognize. E.g yb0xxx.log.
Your can use any converter software to convert from ADIF log to Cabrillo log.
Submit your log here
You will receive an email confirmation of sent logs. And a list of received logs available here
If you found some mistake, you can re-submit your log to fix it. Dont worry about duplicate logs, we will use your last sent logs as the valid log.
Log submit deadline is 14 days after the contest.
General rules:
You must write in the log same callsign that you used during the contest.
In addition to the rules in this contest, you must also comply with local regulations in your country.
The use of QSO finding system are allowed but please dont do a self spotting or asking for spot from other.
Remote operation is permitted if the physical location of all transmitters, receivers, and antennas located not more than 500 meters.
Dont do unsportsmanlike conduct.
The committee responsible to make a disciplinary actions for entrants who made violation of the rules.
The committee decision is final.
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