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8R - Guayna - 2024

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    8R - Guayna - 2024

    Jamie M0SDV and Philipp DK6SP will lead a team of young and enthusiastic operators on an exciting 10-day DXpedition in Guyana 8R (Callsign TBD). The team will consist of four members, including their close friends Sven DJ4MX and Tomi HA8RT, who share their passion for amateur radio and DXing. The DXpedition will take place between 14th February 2024 and 24th February 2024, during which the team will cover a wide range of bands from 160m to 6m, including WARC bands. However, they will not be operating on 60m due to licensing restrictions.
    To ensure an effective operation, the team will be using a variety of wire antennas and high power to transmit signals in CW, SSB, FT8, and RTTY modes. This will allow them to reach as many stations as possible and make the most of their time in Guyana.
    For QSL management, the team has enlisted the services of Charles Wilmott M0OXO, who will handle all QSL requests through his OQRS system. Upon working the team, operators can expect to receive an LOTW confirmation immediately after the DXpedition has concluded, or even throughout the course of the Dxpedition depending on internet access. The team is dedicated to providing seamless QSL experience and will make every effort to ensure that all contacts are confirmed in a timely manner.
    The team is overwhelmed with gratitude for their sponsors, whose unwavering support has made this DXpedition possible. The team recognizes that without the generosity and backing of these sponsors, this adventure would not have been possible. The sponsors have provided crucial resources, including financial support, technical assistance, and equipment, which have enabled the team to embark on this exciting journey. All sponsors will be listed on our website once we make it live.
    To keep their supporters updated on their progress, the team will be regularly posting updates on their social media platforms. They encourage followers to engage with them and share their experience through these channels. Additionally, a dedicated DXpedition website, containing comprehensive information about the team's mission, equipment, and operating schedule, will be released soon. This website will act as a hub for all updates and news related to the DXpedition, and the team is excited to share their journey with the world through this platform.
    The team believes that communication and transparency are essential to the success of any DXpedition, and they are committed to keeping their supporters informed throughout the duration of the mission. They hope that by sharing their experience, they can inspire others to pursue their passion for amateur radio and DXing and foster a sense of community within the hobby.
    8R 2024
    73 Al 4L5A