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VY0ERC - Eureka Island

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    VY0ERC - Eureka Island

    Eureka Amateur Radio Club VY0ERC will be active from Eureka Island, IOTA NA - 008, 7 - 22 July 2017 as VY0ERC.
    Op Pierre, VE3TKB will operate on HF Bands including activity in IARU HF Contest.
    QSL via M0OXO, OQRS.
    Ads for direct QSL:
    Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 4NG, England.

    VY0ERC Eureka Island QSL

    VY0ERC  Eureka Island
    73 Al 4L5A

    Pierre VE3TKB and Alex VE1RUS will be active from Ellesmere Island, IOTA NA - 008, 17 October - 10 November 2017 as VY0ERC.
    They will operate on HF Bands including activity in CQ WW DX SSB Contest.
    73 Al 4L5A



      VY0ERC will be active again from Eureka Island, IOTA NA - 008, Nunavut Territory, 3 February - 29 March 2019.
      Activity on HF Bands CW, SSB, Digital modes.
      Also plans to be active satellites ER60 and EQ79.
      73 Al 4L5A



        VY0ERC is active in CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest, 9 - 10 February 2019.
        73 Al 4L5A



          VY0ERC will be active acagin from Canda Pearl, Eureka Island 1 - 10 August 2019.
          73 Al 4L5A



            VY0ERC soon again on air !
            VY0ERC team will be active from Eureka weather station on Ellesmere island (IOTA NA-008) from October 12 to November 22. They will participate to the CQ WW SSB contest.
            QSL wia M0OXO.
            73 Al 4L5A



              VY0ERC Eureka, Canada
              As well as the Snow, the Icy Winds from the North brought us the logs from Alex (VE1RUS) and Pierre, high up in the Arctic up in Nunavut at the Eureka Weather Station.
              You can find their logs (also containing their SAT contacts) by navigating from the link below and selecting the correct log ''VY0ERC NA-008''.
              Please ensure you select the correct log, ''VY0ERC NA-008'', the NA-008 referring to the IOTA reference for Ellesmere Island, their base at Eureka.
              Please report any Busted/Missing Calls using the Not In Log button on OQRS, not via email or social media.
              73 Al 4L5A



                I will be returning to Ellesmere Island, NA-008 and will be operating VY0ERC roughly from 1 August to 16 August. It will be a busy time for us, so I probably won't have an opportunity to put up much more than a vertical, but I will be active most days as the work schedule permits. Likely modes are SSB, CW, FT8.

                As part of the requirements for this trip, I will be isolating enroute for 10 days in Resolute Bay on Cornwallis Island, NA-009. I am taking a Wolf River Coils vertical setup with me and an Icom IC-705, running 10W so I hope to be active using CW and FT8. However, I don't know what my options are as yet for an operating location (remember, I have to stay isolated) so not sure how that will work. Hopefully I will be on for several hours on several days.

                Qsl route via Charles, M0OXO
                73 Al 4L5A



                  VE3KTB will be active as VY0ERC in RSGB IOTA Contest, 30 - 31 July 2022.
                  Information from him:
                  I should arrive in time to set up for the contest, but won't know the level of preparation until I do arrive
                  73 Al 4L5A



                    Pierre VE3KTB will be back in Eureka on Ellesmere Island (NA-008) in Nunavut, Canada from the 15th of March to the 12th of April 2023.

                    He will be QRV from Eureka Amateur Radio Club as VY0ERC and VE3KTB/VY0 on HF bands as well as FM and linear satellites by SSB, Digital & CW.
                    QSL via M0OXO. Logs will be submitted at the end of activation.

                    Information received from Alexey, VE1RUS.
                    73 Al 4L5A

