K7Y Team will be active from Khantaak Island, IOTA NA - 250, Yakutat, Alaska, 9 - 13 May 2019.
Team - Mike, K9AJ and Bruce, KD6WW they both members of Yakutat Borough Group.
They will operate on 40, 30, 20, 17m CW, SSB, FT8.
QSL via K9AJ, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
Khantaak Island, Yakutat, Alaska. Author - Nick Lehnberg.
Team - Mike, K9AJ and Bruce, KD6WW they both members of Yakutat Borough Group.
They will operate on 40, 30, 20, 17m CW, SSB, FT8.
QSL via K9AJ, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
Khantaak Island, Yakutat, Alaska. Author - Nick Lehnberg.