PJ4TEN is a special event station active during October 2020 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of "10/10/10" - October 10th, 2010. On that date the former country of the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved and Bonaire became a 'special municipality' of the Netherlands. As a result, Bonaire became a new DXCC entity on that date.
To mark the 10th anniversary, Bonaire's radio amateurs are organising a month-long operating event. A PDF award will be available to those who achieve 10 points by making contacts with PJ4 stations during October.
1. A total of 10 points are required.
2. A contact with PJ4TEN is worth 2 points.
3. A contact with any other PJ4 station is worth 1 point.
4. Exception: on the exact anniversary, between 0000UTC and 2359UTC on Saturday October 10th, all PJ4 stations count 2 points.
5. All stations may be worked more than once on different bands and / or modes for additional points. Example: QSOs with PJ4TEN on 14MHz SSB and 7MHz FT8, and with PJ4NX on 14MHz CW and 7MHz FT8, would count a total of 6 points (2+2+1+1). However, if all those QSOs took place on 10/10/20 a total of 8 points would be scored (2+2+2+2).
6. Only contacts made between 0000UTC on October 1st and 2359UTC on October 31st count towards the Bonaire 10/10/10 Award.
7. There is no fee and no QSLs are required.
8. To apply: send a list of contacts made, stating the date, time (UTC), band and mode to: pj4ten@gmail.com
The following is a list of all currently-licensed Bonaire stations:
PJ4BZL (Berry)
PJ4DX (Steve)
PJ4EVA (Eva)
PJ4GR (Gerard)
PJ4KY (Bert)
PJ4NG (Noah)
PJ4NX (Peter)
PJ4RF (Rinse)
PJ4TEN (special event station)
PJ4/DC7MO (Monika)
PJ4/DL1COP (Holger)
PJ4/PE1NMB (Erwin, awaiting full PJ4 callsign)
Other PJ4 callsigns may also be active during the month.
QSL for PJ4TEN via M0URX.
To mark the 10th anniversary, Bonaire's radio amateurs are organising a month-long operating event. A PDF award will be available to those who achieve 10 points by making contacts with PJ4 stations during October.
1. A total of 10 points are required.
2. A contact with PJ4TEN is worth 2 points.
3. A contact with any other PJ4 station is worth 1 point.
4. Exception: on the exact anniversary, between 0000UTC and 2359UTC on Saturday October 10th, all PJ4 stations count 2 points.
5. All stations may be worked more than once on different bands and / or modes for additional points. Example: QSOs with PJ4TEN on 14MHz SSB and 7MHz FT8, and with PJ4NX on 14MHz CW and 7MHz FT8, would count a total of 6 points (2+2+1+1). However, if all those QSOs took place on 10/10/20 a total of 8 points would be scored (2+2+2+2).
6. Only contacts made between 0000UTC on October 1st and 2359UTC on October 31st count towards the Bonaire 10/10/10 Award.
7. There is no fee and no QSLs are required.
8. To apply: send a list of contacts made, stating the date, time (UTC), band and mode to: pj4ten@gmail.com
The following is a list of all currently-licensed Bonaire stations:
PJ4BZL (Berry)
PJ4DX (Steve)
PJ4EVA (Eva)
PJ4GR (Gerard)
PJ4KY (Bert)
PJ4NG (Noah)
PJ4NX (Peter)
PJ4RF (Rinse)
PJ4TEN (special event station)
PJ4/DC7MO (Monika)
PJ4/DL1COP (Holger)
PJ4/PE1NMB (Erwin, awaiting full PJ4 callsign)
Other PJ4 callsigns may also be active during the month.
QSL for PJ4TEN via M0URX.
