Radio Amateurs members of the Radio Club ARV84 - RC Association des Radio amateurs Vauclusiens, F5KPO will be active with special calls TM84MV and TM84TDF from Althen des Paluds, France, for 11th stage of the Tour de France.
They will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via F5KPO.
Special Award will be available:
For the 11th stage of Tour de France 2021 Sorgues - Malaucène with 2 climbs of Mont Ventoux, members of ARV84 will active from 06/26/21 to 07/10/21 call signs TM84MV & TM84TDF.
It's mandatory to contact at least once TM84MV and TM84TDF.
PARTICIPATION: ARV84 invite all amateur radio stations and SWL worldwide to participate.
DATE: from Sat 06/26/21 00h01 UTC to Sat 07/10/21 23h59 UTC.
BANDS: 2-6-10-12-15-17-20-30-40-60-80-160 meters.
MODES: CW - SSB and digital modes. Cross-band / mode, relay, radio-internet connexion and similar media are not allowed.
AWARD ASSIGNMENT: To receice the award, it's mandatory to contact at least once TM84MV & TM84TDF.
POINTS: TM84MV & TM84TDF: 7 points.
TM84MV & TM84TDF: 14 points only wednesday 07/07/21.
QSO: TM84MV & TM84TDF can be contacted several times on the same day as long as the QSO is done using different modes and / or bands: TM84MV = 06/26/21 - 40 M x CW + 40 M x SSB + 80 M x CW + 80 M x FT8.
TM84MV & TM84TDF can be contacted multiple times during the period on the same band and the same mode: 06/26/21 - 40 M x CW + 06/28/21 - 40 M x CW + 07/07/21 - 40 M x CW...
Young rider classification - white jersey:14 points.
Mountains classification - polka dot jersey: 35 points.
Points classification - green jersey: 56 points.
Overall classification - yellow jersey: 84 points.
ADWARD REQUEST & LOG: the award is free of charge and we kindly ask you to send your requests from july 11th 21 to
The log of applicant must be sent in xls or adif format and must contain: list of QSO - date - mode - band - report and total of points. For SWL, it's mandatory to report the station worked with the special station.
The award will be send by email as JPEG file A4 format.
Stations that won't abide the regulation will be disqualified and won't receive the award.
The sending of the logs implies the acceptance of regulation.
The decisions of the commitee ARV84 responsible of monitoring are unquestionable.
For any information, please write to:

They will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via F5KPO.
Special Award will be available:
For the 11th stage of Tour de France 2021 Sorgues - Malaucène with 2 climbs of Mont Ventoux, members of ARV84 will active from 06/26/21 to 07/10/21 call signs TM84MV & TM84TDF.
It's mandatory to contact at least once TM84MV and TM84TDF.
PARTICIPATION: ARV84 invite all amateur radio stations and SWL worldwide to participate.
DATE: from Sat 06/26/21 00h01 UTC to Sat 07/10/21 23h59 UTC.
BANDS: 2-6-10-12-15-17-20-30-40-60-80-160 meters.
MODES: CW - SSB and digital modes. Cross-band / mode, relay, radio-internet connexion and similar media are not allowed.
AWARD ASSIGNMENT: To receice the award, it's mandatory to contact at least once TM84MV & TM84TDF.
POINTS: TM84MV & TM84TDF: 7 points.
TM84MV & TM84TDF: 14 points only wednesday 07/07/21.
QSO: TM84MV & TM84TDF can be contacted several times on the same day as long as the QSO is done using different modes and / or bands: TM84MV = 06/26/21 - 40 M x CW + 40 M x SSB + 80 M x CW + 80 M x FT8.
TM84MV & TM84TDF can be contacted multiple times during the period on the same band and the same mode: 06/26/21 - 40 M x CW + 06/28/21 - 40 M x CW + 07/07/21 - 40 M x CW...
Young rider classification - white jersey:14 points.
Mountains classification - polka dot jersey: 35 points.
Points classification - green jersey: 56 points.
Overall classification - yellow jersey: 84 points.
ADWARD REQUEST & LOG: the award is free of charge and we kindly ask you to send your requests from july 11th 21 to
The log of applicant must be sent in xls or adif format and must contain: list of QSO - date - mode - band - report and total of points. For SWL, it's mandatory to report the station worked with the special station.
The award will be send by email as JPEG file A4 format.
Stations that won't abide the regulation will be disqualified and won't receive the award.
The sending of the logs implies the acceptance of regulation.
The decisions of the commitee ARV84 responsible of monitoring are unquestionable.
For any information, please write to: