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Radio Field Day Award

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    Radio Field Day Award

    Field Day Award 2023”
    diploma regulations
    The purpose of this award is to promote ham radio out in the field.
    The date the award will take place: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2023.
    Special event stations that will take part in this award are as follows: HF9FIELD, SN9FIELD, SP9FIELD.
    In order to receive a diploma, a QSO is needed with each of the special event stations mentioned in point no. 3. A total of 3 QSOs.
    Both Polish and foreign radio stations can take part in this award. This includes individual and club radio stations, as well as SWL (listening) stations.
    The special event stations mentioned in point no. 3, will only work out in the field.
    The special event stations mentioned in point no. 3, will work in the following bands and emissions: 3.5-30Mhz in SSB (primarily on 3.5, 7 and 14Mhz) and locally on 2m/70cm in FM.
    QSOs via repeaters will not count, thus will not be carried out.
    It is not required for individual and club radio stations to work out in the field when making a QSO with special event stations mentioned in point no. 3.
    It is not required for individual and club radio stations to send logs of their QSOs. A log will be conducted by special event stations mentioned in the above point no. 3.
    SWL radio stations that would like to receive a diploma, will need to e-mail their log to e-mail address mentioned in point no. 16. The log should include QSOs between each of the special event stations, mentioned in point 3, and other individual or club radio stations. A total of 3 QSOs registered.
    QSOs will be carried out in UTC.
    After every field activation, the log will be uploaded to LogSP and services, as well as to eQSL.
    Additional information and media can be found on our social media Facebook, Instagram and
    In case of any questions or other issues, you can contact us via email:
    73 Al 4L5A



      yesterday there was SN9FIELD on 40m SSB, but I lost him, he was very rushed. It is the second indicator of the three. He will be active this month, at the end of the week and for another two months, then the third call will follow.

