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100th Birthday of Papa Chmiel
100th Birthday of Papa Chmiel
100th Birthday of Papa Chmiel
Organizer: Dobrzycki Amateur Radio Club SP3PDO and SP9CJM will work under the occasional sign SP100JCH, SP100TRA, SO100TRA
Objective: Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Papcio Chmiel
Band and emissions: Stations will operate on the HF bands with SSB, CW emissions
Date: 03/06/2023 - 11/06/2023
Conditions for receiving diplomas:
1) Basic diploma - 100 points
European Stations 50 points
For DX stations, 1 QSO with any station is enough
2) Platinum Diploma - for the most active participants - over 100 points
3) Bonus points:
- transmission of SSTV pictures from June 4, 2023 to June 9, 2023 from 21:00, on the 80m band (3.730MHz - 3.735MHz +/-QRM)
- Every day SP100TRA will broadcast a series of 3 pictures. After the first broadcast ends, 5 minutes after the end of the broadcast, the same pictures will be broadcast again.
- The pictures represent the title pages of the Tytus Romek and Atomek comic book series.
- For collecting all the pictures, i.e. 18 comics, diploma points are awarded - 50 points
- collecting all the pictures and signing the number of the book which this picture represents, diploma points are awarded - 100 points
- / Received pictures should be signed with the number of the comic book series in the file name. Pictures should be sent only in JPG format to the e-mail address:
• Each contact can be repeated daily on HF and CW bands.
• Please do not send logs!!!
• Logs are valid only for listening stations. The log should be sent to the following e-mail address: The title should include the title of the diploma action and the listening sign.
• An image with at least 75% readability is considered to be received and passed
Punctation :
- Event stations allocate 5 points each day
Have fun on the radio - organizers
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