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775 Carta de Poblament de Torrent

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    775 Carta de Poblament de Torrent

    The Torrent Ham Radio Association EB5URT will be be activating an award using the callsign AM775CPT, to commemorate the 775 anniversary of the founding of the towns of Torrent and Picaña by the 50 original settlers from Valencia. You can follow the diploma here via

    1. Organizers

    Unión de Radioaficionados de Torrent EB5URT.

    2. Duration

    From 0000 UTC on Tuesday November 6th 2023 to 0000 UTC Saturday November 18th 2023

    3. Participants

    Any licenced radio amateurs, operating within the recommended IARU bandplans.

    4. Frequencies and modes

    HF 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, 160 in SSB, CW and digital modes

    5. Scope

    National (Spain) and International

    6. QSO

    Maximum one contact per day, mode, and band, with AM775CPT

    7. Call

    CQ AM775CPT.

    8. Awards and trophies

    In order to obtain an Award, you need to make at least 5 QSOs with
    AM775CPT. Diplomas can be downloaded directly from the program (see link above). The station with most QSOs during the period of operation will be awarded a trophy. Two trophies will be awarded, one for the spanish (EA) winner and another to the DX (international) winner. Trophies will be sent postage paid.

    Club members of URE Torrent are not eligible for the trophy.

    Any incidents during the course of the activity will be resolved by the organisers, whose decision will be final.

    STL URE Torrent EB5URT
    Click image for larger version

Name:	aw320show.jpg
Views:	217
Size:	70.5 KB
ID:	56136

    received the award :
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1 a diploma YO5OSF-AW320-Award Score.png
Views:	79
Size:	1.16 MB
ID:	56358

