The "Radio Amateur Association of Arad" was founded in 1929 and since then HAM activity has been continuously organized under various clubs and organizational forms.
Radioclub ADMIRA is the legal successor of these clubs and wishes to pay tribute to the forerunners for the 95th anniversary with this special YR95AR.
1. Purpose
Organiser of the event is Club Sportiv Radioclub Admira Arad.
Award is designed to celebrate the “ 95th Anniversary” of the foundation of the first Amateur Radio Association in Arad ,- “Asociaţiunea Radioamatorilor din Arad” founded in 1929
The event aims to promote amateur radio , the HAM Radio Spirit and also to make known the activity of HAM radio amateurs from Arad City and Arad County .
The event is dedicated for involving of HAM radio operators from as many countries as possible in a single event .
This event is an opportunity for involving the young people in this wonderful hobby .
The following special call signs will operate :
•YR95AR (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Arad)
•YR95CC (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Chisineu Cris)
•YR95CH (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Cherelus)
•YR95IN (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Ineu)
•YR95LI (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Lipova )
•YR95PE (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Pecica)
•YR95SE (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Sebis)
2. Award Start / End dates
From 00:00 UTC on February 16st , 2024 to 24:00 UTC May 31st , 2024
3. Bands
80m - 6 m , including WARC and 2m band , on amateur radio frequency allocation by band and mode
4. Modes
5. Awards Rating
Will be granted Gold , Silver and Bronze award .
Awards are assigned for QSO’s with special call signs , on any operation mode or band :
•For GOLD award , rule WAS (working all stations ) is required ;
•For SILVER award , 5 special callsigns is required ;
•For BRONZE award , 3 special callsigns is required .
6. Log instructions , Awards release and QSL
The Awards ( Gold , Silver and Bronze ) will be issued “On request” / “ On demand “ .
All applicants for the award will send their request and the log data to yr95ar@gmail.com until 05.06.2024 , 24:00 UTC .
The Award in electronic format it's FREE.
Printing version include the printing and shipping costs.
A printed award version costs 9 € , payable through bank transfer to the following bank account :
C.S. Radioclub Admira
PO-Box 1-151 , Arad , 310137 , Romania
IBAN : RO12 RNCB 0015 0303 2947 0001
The Awards ( Gold , Silver and Bronze ) – electronically format (.pdf or .jpg ) - will be sent via email starting with 01.07.2024 The Awards ( Gold , Silver and Bronze ) – printed version - will be sent starting with 01.08 .2024 .
With kind regards ,
Francisc Visky , YO2MHF
President of C.S. RADIOCLUB “ADMIRA” Arad
Phone : +40 722 290 479
The "Radio Amateur Association of Arad" was founded in 1929 and since then HAM activity has been continuously organized under various clubs and organizational forms.
Radioclub ADMIRA is the legal successor of these clubs and wishes to pay tribute to the forerunners for the 95th anniversary with this special YR95AR.
1. Purpose
Organiser of the event is Club Sportiv Radioclub Admira Arad.
Award is designed to celebrate the “ 95th Anniversary” of the foundation of the first Amateur Radio Association in Arad ,- “Asociaţiunea Radioamatorilor din Arad” founded in 1929
The event aims to promote amateur radio , the HAM Radio Spirit and also to make known the activity of HAM radio amateurs from Arad City and Arad County .
The event is dedicated for involving of HAM radio operators from as many countries as possible in a single event .
This event is an opportunity for involving the young people in this wonderful hobby .
The following special call signs will operate :
•YR95AR (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Arad)
•YR95CC (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Chisineu Cris)
•YR95CH (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Cherelus)
•YR95IN (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Ineu)
•YR95LI (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Lipova )
•YR95PE (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Pecica)
•YR95SE (YR-Romania, 95-years -QTH Sebis)
2. Award Start / End dates
From 00:00 UTC on February 16st , 2024 to 24:00 UTC May 31st , 2024
3. Bands
80m - 6 m , including WARC and 2m band , on amateur radio frequency allocation by band and mode
4. Modes
5. Awards Rating
Will be granted Gold , Silver and Bronze award .
Awards are assigned for QSO’s with special call signs , on any operation mode or band :
•For GOLD award , rule WAS (working all stations ) is required ;
•For SILVER award , 5 special callsigns is required ;
•For BRONZE award , 3 special callsigns is required .
6. Log instructions , Awards release and QSL
The Awards ( Gold , Silver and Bronze ) will be issued “On request” / “ On demand “ .
All applicants for the award will send their request and the log data to yr95ar@gmail.com until 05.06.2024 , 24:00 UTC .
The Award in electronic format it's FREE.
Printing version include the printing and shipping costs.
A printed award version costs 9 € , payable through bank transfer to the following bank account :
C.S. Radioclub Admira
PO-Box 1-151 , Arad , 310137 , Romania
IBAN : RO12 RNCB 0015 0303 2947 0001
The Awards ( Gold , Silver and Bronze ) – electronically format (.pdf or .jpg ) - will be sent via email starting with 01.07.2024 The Awards ( Gold , Silver and Bronze ) – printed version - will be sent starting with 01.08 .2024 .
With kind regards ,
Francisc Visky , YO2MHF
President of C.S. RADIOCLUB “ADMIRA” Arad
Phone : +40 722 290 479