Hi to all. Hamaward staff is pleased to announce next first week of July (1st-7th) a Sprint July World Wide Award. On this web page https://hamaward.cloud/wwa you will find all the info about (Rules). Many stations from all over the world will be active with Special Event Callsigns (most of them with "WWA" suffic or N1W, N9W etc...) . Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa. It will last only one week. It is a nice occasion to work HF bands as it has been done in previous WW Awards. Every day hunters may call all Special event stations collecting points and real-time ranking will be online either on the official web page or on qrz.com. It is a thrilling way to be active and motivated in HF bands : you will be in a hurry (to get as much as possible) but not pressed (it is not a contest). We are sure that you will appreciate this formula and give a try in such a short time. On the same web page more activities are announced (January 2025 World Wide Award and Avila Iberradio Prize Ceremony for previous editions). Just to be prepared in January to beat the 1,7 milion qso record. For those who would like to be on the activator side this is the link for the request: https://hamaward.cloud/wwa/contacts Have fun !!! 73 for Hamaward staff Carlo IK1HJS Genova 15/06/2024
No announcement yet.
Sprint July World Wide Award