DATE : 14.08-24.08.2024
1. Purpose
To promote friendship among radio amateurs worldwide, celebrating the memory of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe (SP3RN), priest, and martyr.
2. Duration and Operating Times
From 00:00 UTC on August 14th, 2024, to 00:00 on August 24th, 2024.
3. Operating Bands
HF: 160 - 80 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 17 – 15 – 12 – 10 meters.
4. Operating Modes
5. Reports
Only the RS(T) report is required.
6. Validity of QSO
The II8SMK station can be contacted only once per day on all bands.
7. Log Submission
No log submission is required! To participate in the event in remembrance of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe (SP3RN), once II8SMK is contacted, simply check on, on the dedicated event page, that your call sign is listed on the HamAward portal and then download your QSL and Diploma.
8. QSL
For each QSO, an electronic QSL will be issued and can be downloaded from, as specified in point 7.
Paper QSLs via the bureau through IZ8IAW must be requested via email at Direct QSLs will be sent upon request via email at and upon payment, through the secure PayPal system, to, of the following amounts, divided by country:
Italy, €1.50
Europe, €3.00
Non-European countries and USA, €4.00
Other countries, €5.00
DATE : 14.08-24.08.2024
1. Purpose
To promote friendship among radio amateurs worldwide, celebrating the memory of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe (SP3RN), priest, and martyr.
2. Duration and Operating Times
From 00:00 UTC on August 14th, 2024, to 00:00 on August 24th, 2024.
3. Operating Bands
HF: 160 - 80 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 17 – 15 – 12 – 10 meters.
4. Operating Modes
5. Reports
Only the RS(T) report is required.
6. Validity of QSO
The II8SMK station can be contacted only once per day on all bands.
7. Log Submission
No log submission is required! To participate in the event in remembrance of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe (SP3RN), once II8SMK is contacted, simply check on, on the dedicated event page, that your call sign is listed on the HamAward portal and then download your QSL and Diploma.
8. QSL
For each QSO, an electronic QSL will be issued and can be downloaded from, as specified in point 7.
Paper QSLs via the bureau through IZ8IAW must be requested via email at Direct QSLs will be sent upon request via email at and upon payment, through the secure PayPal system, to, of the following amounts, divided by country:
Italy, €1.50
Europe, €3.00
Non-European countries and USA, €4.00
Other countries, €5.00