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CQ DX Hall of Fame - VE3LYC - W3UR - K2MGA

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    CQ DX Hall of Fame - VE3LYC - W3UR - K2MGA

    VE3LYC, Cezar Trifu of Bath, Ontario, Canada; W3UR, Bernie McClenny of Glenwood, Maryland, U.S.A.; and the late K2MGA, Richard A. Ross, have been inducted in the CQ DX Hall of Fame. Their enshrinement was announced tonight during the Southwest Ohio DX Association dinner at the Dayton Marriott at the University of Dayton during the 2024 Dayton Hamvention.

    VE3LYC, Cezar Trifu, was born and raised in Romania, and holds a Ph.D.
    degree in physics. A second-generation amateur radio operator, he has held VE3LYC since 1995. He serves as the Islands on the Air (IOTA) Operations Manager and Deputy General Manager, and is a member of the Board of Directors of IOTA Ltd. One nominator wrote that “Cezar showed extensive knowledge and enthusiasm in DX and the IOTA program. He has directed the IOTA program into what it is today. He is very dedicated and a non-fearing adventurer with 30-plus IOTA activations. His book recalling these adventures, Dream Big and Dare to Fail, is one every amateur should read.”
    Another nominator wrote, “Cezar prepares his DXpeditions with great attention to detail, carefully identifying the hazards involved and mitigating the risks by incorporating contingencies. He always documents what worked and how, from the logistics to the propagation forecast and handling of pileups, which is all meant to provide those who go places with informative material that they can adapt to their own needs,” and concluded, “Cezar is a reliable and highly skilled operator with the guts of the early pioneers!”

    W3UR, Bernie McClenny, has impressive on-the-air bona fides. He has operated from two all-time new DXCC entities: E44DX in Gaza, Palestine and 4W/W3UR in Baucau, East Timor. Other DXpeditions with which he has participated include A61AJ, AH3D, OHØ/W3UR, VU4AN, YU8/OH2R, 8P9UR, J77A, and V47UR. He has also been a guest operator multiple times at the United Nations Amateur Radio Club, 4U1UN. Bernie enjoys the DXCC Challenge, Islands on the Air, and other special awards programs. However, wrote his nominator, “Bernie’s off-the-air accomplishments prompted this nomination.
    He has served as editor of the ‘How’s DX?’ column in QST, the monthly membership journal of the American Radio Relay League, since 1998. He is second in longevity in this role only to Rod Newkirk, W9BRD/VA3ZBB, who edited the column from 1947 to 1978. Bernie has published The Daily DX since 1997, and The Weekly DX since 2001. This is a combined total of 76 years as a DX writer, editor, and publisher. There are few other people in the amateur radio community with Bernie’s institutional knowledge and encyclopedic understanding of the DX world. He combines this with his solid grasp of journalistic principles, making him a trusted, go-to source for DX news.

    K2MGA, Richard A. Ross, who passed away on April 27 at age 84, was president of CQ Publishing. He was editor, then publisher of CQ Magazine, and at one time, published 11 magazine titles as well as books, calendars, and an extensive video library. Dick was also a huge supporter of DXing and contesting, and believed in recognizing his fellow amateurs for their exemplary achievements in these endeavors. The quintessential behind-the-scenes visionary, Dick ensured that CQ Magazine gave extensive coverage to the DX world, and that it had the proper leadership and infrastructure for its many contests – CQ World Wide, Worked All Prefixes,
    160 meters, RTTY, VHF, and more.

    The 2024 CQ Amateur Radio Hall and Fame and CQ Contest Hall of Fame inductees will be announced on Saturday, May 18. The Daily DX and The Weekly DX will provide exclusive coverage of both announcements.
    73 Al 4L5A