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CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame - DL8HCZ - K3LR - K2MGA

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    CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame - DL8HCZ - K3LR - K2MGA

    DL8HCZ/CT1HZE, Joachim Kraft, of Hamburg, Germany; K3LR, Tim Duffy of West Middlesex, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; and the late K2MGA, Richard A.
    Ross, have been inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.

    Dl8HCZ/CT1HZE, Joachim Kraft, has been an enthusiastic amateur radio operator since 1980 and has been committed to the technical development of amateur radio and research into propagation phenomena in the VHF/UHF and microwave bands since 1989 by publishing the English-language amateur radio magazine DUBUS with a team of specialist authors from all over the world working on a voluntary basis. In particular, this magazine researches and analyzes DX successes on the 6M, 2M, and higher bands. The evaluation of, and statistics on, sporadic-E DX QSOs in the 2M band, which Joachim painstakingly compiles and updates annually, spans 50-plus years and is probably unique worldwide. DUBUS was founded in 1972 by a group of radio amateurs from Berlin, and was already being used to exchange technical and DX information across all national borders at the time of the Iron Curtain. For over 35 years, Joachim has been involved in this magazine together with other radio amateurs, and for almost a quarter of a century he has been its publisher. Today, it is read in over 50 countries.

    K3LR, Tim Duffy, already a member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame since 2006, is being inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame because of his lifetime achievements that far transcend his contesting accomplishments. As a contester, Tim has hosted over 160 different amateur radio operators from around the world to his superstation – 11 operating positions and 14 towers – since 1992. He has been the moderator of the Hamvention Antenna forum for 36 years, and has served as chairman of Contest University (15 years), the Dayton Contest Dinner (29 years), and the Top Band Dinner. He also co-coordinates the Contest Super Suite (37 years) in Dayton during the yearly Dayton Hamvention. He also founded the popular RFI reflector (, and has moderated it since 1999. Tim serves on the board of directors of the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation
    (WWROF) as Chairman and is President Emeritus of the Radio Club of America (RCA). Tim is multi-year President of the Mercer County Amateur Radio Club (W3LIF/W3JTV). He received the RCA Barry Goldwater Amateur Radio service award in 2010, Hamvention Amateur of the Year in 2015, and the YASME Excellence award in 2016. Professionally, Tim is the Chief Executive Officer of DX Engineering.

    K2MGA, Richard A. Ross, who passed away on April 27 at age 84, was president of CQ Publishing. He was editor, then publisher of CQ Magazine, and at one time, published 11 magazine titles as well as books, calendars, and an extensive video library. Dick was also a huge supporter of contesting, DXing, and many other aspects of the amateur radio service. He believed strongly in celebrating his fellow amateurs for their exemplary achievements in these endeavors.

    Dick Ross has now been inducted into all three of the CQ Halls of Fame – Amateur Radio, Contest, and DX – in recognition of his lifelong dedication to the amateur radio service and to his fellow amateurs.

    73 Al 4L5A