We'd be delighted if you could include the following in your famous DX pages/bulletins at your convenience.
Exciting NEW Ham Radio Summer event for DXers.
• Beginning June 1st through August 30th, simply accumulate as many DXCCs, CQ WAZ, Participating EIDXG members and EI/GI Counties as possible. Each one only counting once regardless of which Band or Mode you work them on (SSB, CW or DIGI)
• Easy Downloadable / Printable check-sheet to tick off each time you work a new counter.
• Use your own logging software, all we need is your log sent to us no later than September 6th in order to be scored.
• Plaques awarded to Leaders in EI/GI, Europe and Rest of World. (In the event of a tie (equal score) the winner will be the one who worked their last counter in the shortest length of time).
• **Bonus Prizes**
• Open to all, so why not join in the fun and get DXing again?
• Full information and downloads available on www.eidxg.com/sc2020
73 David Deane, EI9FBB