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They Royal Australian Air Force - 100 Years

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    They Royal Australian Air Force - 100 Years

    The Royal Australian Air Force - 100 Year Centenary. VK100AF & VI100AF

    Since both VI100AF & VK100AF hit the airways on 1st March 21, 18 of the 46 operators have now used the VI100AF call sign for a total of 4661 QSO's. 12 of the 46 operators have used the VK100AF call sign for a total of 3612 QSO's.
    The bands have not been the best, but the operators are working hard to ensure that they are active as much as possible during thier allocated period with the specified call sign. Log books are uploaded to OQRS & LoTW the day after each operators allocated time, so please if you see a '' Not in Log '' , try again in a few days' time, but in the meantime work the station again if you're not 100% sure of the QSO. The QSL Card is now being finalised with the designer and will be at the printers very soon, we expect to be sending the QSL card out in late April.

    73, Stuie VK8NSB
    Station Manager VI100AF & VK100AF
    73 Al 4L5A