11 April 2022
NCDXF Press Release
The 2022 Annual Board Meeting of the Northern California DX Foundation took place this Monday evening, April 11, 2022, in lieu of our International DX Convention in person meeting.
Officers were elected:
Kevin Rowett, K6TD President
Craig Thompson, K9CT Vice President
Glenn Johnson, W0GJ Secretary
Don Greenbaum, N1DG Treasurer
Our current board members are
Tom Berson, ND2T
Lee Finkel, KY7M
Ross Forbes, K6GFJ
John Miller, K6MM
Rich Seifert, KE1B
Ned Stearns, AA7A
George Wallner, AA7JV
The board thanked Ned, AA7A for his service as Vice President
The mission of NCDXF is to provide necessary financial support for well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities and to support advances in DXpeditioning skills, technology, and infrastructure. Those funds come from the contributions of our supporters in the DX community.
NCDXF Press Release
The 2022 Annual Board Meeting of the Northern California DX Foundation took place this Monday evening, April 11, 2022, in lieu of our International DX Convention in person meeting.
Officers were elected:
Kevin Rowett, K6TD President
Craig Thompson, K9CT Vice President
Glenn Johnson, W0GJ Secretary
Don Greenbaum, N1DG Treasurer
Our current board members are
Tom Berson, ND2T
Lee Finkel, KY7M
Ross Forbes, K6GFJ
John Miller, K6MM
Rich Seifert, KE1B
Ned Stearns, AA7A
George Wallner, AA7JV
The board thanked Ned, AA7A for his service as Vice President
The mission of NCDXF is to provide necessary financial support for well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities and to support advances in DXpeditioning skills, technology, and infrastructure. Those funds come from the contributions of our supporters in the DX community.