July 10, 2022
St. Charles, MO


The Board of Directors of The Yasme Foundation announces that it has made the following grants at its recent board meeting.

Amateurs Radio Algeriens and Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society to attend YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022

Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) and the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program


The Yasme Excellence Award is presented to individuals and groups who, through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication, have made a significant contribution to amateur radio. The contribution may be in recognition of technical, operating or organizational achievement, as all three are necessary for amateur radio to grow and prosper. The Yasme Excellence Award is in the form of a cash grant and an individually-engraved crystal globe.

The Board of Directors of The Yasme Foundation is pleased to announce the latest recipients of the Yasme Excellence Award:

Parks On The Air (POTA) Team
Since the program's inception, it has grown enormously and now has more than 6500 "activators" who operate from the parks and more than 20,000 "hunters" who work them. The core team consists of W3AAX, WØZAP, W8TAM, N3VEM, PAØKGB, ABØO, WT8J, and K4CAN. Next to DXCC and IOTA, POTA has become one of the most active worldwide operating award programs. Even more important, though, is that more hams are OTA (on the air), especially hams with modest stations or who cannot get OTA from home for whatever reason. POTA is making it possible for them to have a great deal of fun, be active on HF/VHF/satellites, and learn about radio.

Jan Stadman, DJ5AN/PA1TT
In recognition of his efforts organizing ham radio events. For many years, Jan organized the Dutch HF Convention and the annual European DX Foundation meeting in Bad Bentheim Germany. Jan also runs the EUDXF booth at Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen. Together with other DX associations he invented and shaped the “DX Plaza” that is now the central meeting point for DXers present in Friedrichshafen. In 2017 Jan joined the organizing committee of the Dutch German Radio Amateur Meeting DNAT and took over as committee chair in 2020, just before COVID. The pandemic didn’t stop him and even with the restriction that were in place he was able to organize several events.