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Connecticut CW Club
Connecticut CW Club
I am part of a small group of guys looking to get a CW club going. We are based in Connecticut and we like to meet in-person whenever possible. You don't need to live in CT to be a member, though it makes meeting in-person easier hihi. We hope to do little contests (Our inaugural contest will be 09-17-2022 12:00UTC - 09-18-2022 12:00UTC), showcase ops and their projects/achievements, etc. Like many other clubs, we are very much interested in helping new-comers learn and enjoy CW. Of course there are a million clubs already out there, I know. But we are just looking for another way to have fun and meet some folks along the way. If you think you might be interested, and especially if you live in CT, please consider checking us out: -- We are actively looking for contributors and very much appreciate your patience with any technical difficulties as we get going.