PRESS RELEASE CROSSBAND ACTIVATION OF BATTLESHIP IOWA’S NEPM SCHEDULED IN MEMORY OF PEARL HARBOR As the representative of the National Museum of the Surface Navy at Battleship IOWA in San Pedro, California, the Battleship IOWA Amateur Radio Association (BIARA) will honor the sailors and ships previously home ported in San Pedro who were attacked on December 7, 1941, with special crossband activations of NEPM on December 6, 7, 8 and 9, 2023. We thank the ARRL and their legal support team for asking the FCC to approve our request for a waiver to allow FCC amateur licensees to work NEPM. Please see the FCC waiver also attached. If you are in a country outside the jurisdiction of the United States’ Federal Communications Commission please check the terms and conditions that govern your license. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on 7 December 1941, seven of the battleships formerly homeported in San Pedro Bay weren’t present. Eight Pacific fleet battleships (Arizona, California, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania) were at Pearl Harbor and absorbed the brunt of the Japanese attack. Of these eight, three sank, one capsized, and four suffered varying degrees of damage. With authority from the Navy and Marine Corps Spectrum Office Southwest, we will transmit using the IOWA’s NEPM call sign on assigned military frequencies and listen for calls from the amateur radio community in their adjacent bands. NEPM will transmit on 14.375 MHz, 18.1625 MHz, and or 21.856 MHz on J3E/USB and or A1A/CW. The operator will advise listeners as to where they are listening. We will most likely listen for you 10 KHz below the top of each adjacent band when working J3E/USB and 10 KHz above the bottom of each adjacent band when working A1A/CW. Amateur participants are reminded not to transmit on the NEPM military frequencies. Operations on all four days are expected to be from 0700 to 1600 PST / 1500 to 2400 UTC. QSL procedures can be found at For specific questions in advance of the operation, contact
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Crossband IOTA Battleship - 2023