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Finnish WhatsApp DX Cluster - DX Pedition 2024

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    Finnish WhatsApp DX Cluster - DX Pedition 2024

    The year 2024 marked an unprecedented peak for DXpeditions. The conditions throughout the year were exceptional, with even the 6- meter band performing well. During this period, there were 42 Mega- DXpeditions, each making over 30,000 contacts.

    The Finnish WhatsApp DX-Cluster, consisting of 164 members, voted to determine the "Best DX-pedition of the Year 2024." Due to WhatsApp's limitation to 12 choices, we selected the 12 DXpeditions with the highest number of QSOs, as indicated by the Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll 2024.

    Voters were encouraged to consider various factors, including communication effectiveness, pile-up management, availability across bands, and QSL practices. They were also asked to disregard personal outcomes, such as not achieving a QSO.

    The results were as follows:
    3G0YA Easter Island: 21% of the votes
    N5J Jarvis Island: 19% of the votes
    PX0FF Fernando de Noronha: 16% of the votes

    Special recognition was given to the 8R7X DXpedition from Guyana, which received 6% of the votes despite not being on the initial list.

    OH2BU, Jari Jussila.
    73 Al 4L5A