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Country CTY Update 24 July 2018

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    The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 03 July 2024:

    For installation instructions, start at:

    Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

    To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

    If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

    Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

    As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

    Here are the release notes:

    3 July 2024 (CTY-3422)
    VER20240703, Version entity is Myanmar, XZ

    Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

    * GM3VYI is Shetland Islands, *GM/s
    * TO8FP is St. Pierre & Miquelon, FP
    * GB1RP, GB2EL, GB2WL and GB5BL are all Northern Ireland, GI
    * GB0TNL, GB2TNL and GB9OO are all Scotland, GM
    * GB0SNW, GB1HMM and GB5PCL are all Wales, GW
    * IQ0SS/P is Sardinia, IS
    * KE6FQC is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
    * W5KBW is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
    * N5J is Palmyra & Jarvis Islands, KH5
    * K9CS/KH8S is Swains Island, KH8/s
    * LU4HK/H and LW7EAQ/D are both Argentina, LU
    * R100KBM, R100NOR and RA0BM/6 are all European Russia, UA
    * R100UWA and UG4I/P are both European Russia, UA in ITU zone 30
    * RL1I/P is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 17, ITU zone 20
    * UA0DAR/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 23

    Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

    * BD6KF/0 in China, BY
    * GB5ALV in Northern Ireland, GI
    * GB0BOA, GB8VED and MM0PLX/P in Scotland, GM
    * GB0ILB, GB0MFB and GB1GLC in Wales, GW
    * KC9GMO in Guam, KH2
    * KC9WIB and KF5QMN in Hawaii, KH6
    * W8S in Swains Island, KH8/s
    * KI7CPI, KI7DUW and KJ7VMN in Alaska, KL
    * N1JDX, N2ZXE and WH6GRD in Puerto Rico, KP4
    LU7VRC/V, LU8EMD/D, LW2DMD/D, LW3DJC/D, LW6DGI/D and LW6DNF/D in Argentina, LU
    * PD0ARI/MILL in Netherlands, PA
    * R80SEV, R8XF/1, RA9ULL/6, RJ9I/6, RM0F/6, RP79A, RP79AAG, RP79ACH,
    RP79AF, RP79AN, RP79AO, RP79AOS, RP79AQ, RP79AR, RP79AS, RP79AU, RP79BA,
    RP79BK, RP79BR, RP79CNK, RP79CTS, RP79D, RP79DD, RP79DP, RP79FA, RP79GA,
    RP79GD, RP79GF, RP79GL, RP79GO, RP79GOR, RP79GRO, RP79GT, RP79GV, RP79GY,
    RP79GZ, RP79I, RP79IB, RP79IF, RP79II, RP79IL, RP79IW, RP79IZ, RP79JG,
    RP79KAF, RP79KC, RP79KD, RP79KF, RP79KG, RP79KIA, RP79KK, RP79KO, RP79KP,
    RP79KPA, RP79KS, RP79KT, RP79KZG, RP79L, RP79LDD, RP79LU, RP79M, RP79MD,
    RP79MK, RP79ML, RP79MM, RP79MN, RP79MR, RP79MU, RP79MY, RP79N, RP79NF,
    RP79NK, RP79NP, RP79NR, RP79NV, RP79O, RP79OP, RP79PD, RP79PF, RP79PK,
    RP79PKB, RP79PM, RP79PP, RP79PR, RP79PS, RP79PT, RP79RA, RP79RAI, RP79RD,
    RP79RK, RP79RP, RP79RT, RP79RZ, RP79S, RP79SB, RP79SE, RP79SF, RP79SG,
    RP79SIE, RP79SL, RP79SO, RP79SP, RP79SR, RP79SVY, RP79SW, RP79T, RP79TA,
    RP79TF, RP79TK, RP79TO, RP79TP, RP79TSG, RP79TV, RP79TW, RP79TWG, RP79UAI,
    RP79VB, RP79VE, RP79VF, RP79VK, RP79VMK, RP79W, RP79WA, RP79WF, RP79WN,
    RP79WZ, RP79X, RP79ZD, RP79ZK, RP79ZKS, RP79ZM, RP79ZO, RP79ZS, UE79MA
    and UE79SZ in European Russia, UA
    * R2BW/9, RP79AB, RP79ATX, RP79AZ, RP79CWD, RP79DG, RP79DT, RP79GPF,
    RP79H, RP79J, RP79KM, RP79KMI, RP79MMK, RP79MP, RP79NIK, RP79P, RP79PPA,
    RP79PW, RP79RF, RP79RGA, RP79SDD, RP79TG, RP79TOF, RP79TT, RP79TVM, RP79U,
    RP79UF, RP79UR, RP79V, RP79WU, RP79YT and RP79ZAM in Asiatic Russia, UA9
    * VK2HJ/9 in Norfolk Island, VK9N

    Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

    73 - Jim AD1C
    73 Al 4L5A



      The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 08 July 2024:

      For installation instructions, start at:

      Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

      To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

      If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

      Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

      As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

      Here are the release notes:

      7 July 2024 (CTY-3423)
      VER20240707, Version entity is Algeria, 7X

      Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

      * MM3S is Shetland Islands, *GM/s
      * TA6CQ/1 is European Turkey, *TA1
      * II0ITR is Sardinia, IS
      * AI1K, K0UM, K9PSM, K9SAT, KC9UHI, W1LQD, W1QG and WA2DFI are all United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
      * AC7YT and KG7SPL are both United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 6
      * AB9NE, AI8Z, K2DSW, K3IV, K4VBB, K7EFA, K9JX, K9NS, KB7MLK, KC3OL,
      are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
      * AA3CS, AB4NH, AG4V, AK4NF, AL4B, K0EMT, K0PLC, K4CO, K4CUP, K4MHR,
      W4ATD, W4BBB, W4DGH, W4UOT, W5OBM and WA5IEK are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
      WB0RXQ, WB8LYJ, WD8U and WV8HAT are all United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
      * K1MRX, KC1PJR, KD0LNB and KF5ZRV are all Alaska, KL
      * LU9QAE/H is Argentina, LU
      * R8FF/P and UA4HAZ/P are both in ITU zone 29, not ITU zone 30
      * R8FF/P is in CQ zone 16, not CQ zone 17
      * R1000S is European Russia, UA
      * RO2E/8 is Asiatic Russia, UA9
      * VE2NN is Canada, VE in CQ zone 2, ITU zone 4
      * VE6MPRESS/7 is Canada, VE in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 2
      * VK9LA is Lord Howe Island, VK9L

      Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

      * IQ1QQ/9 in Sicily, *IT9
      * TO971JO in Guadeloupe, FG
      * TO972JO in Martinique, FM
      * TX987JO in French Polynesia, FO
      * TO974JO in Reunion Island, FR
      * TO2FY in French Guiana, FY
      * GB8SOS in Wales, GW
      * AD1CT, AD7HI, K4PP, K8OSF, K8RRT, KF4GNV, KN0W, N6VF, W0WL, W3AT,
      W4JH, WN9J and WX4HP in United States, K
      * KG5WFF and KG5WFG in Alaska, KL
      * N3JAB and N6HWF in Puerto Rico, KP4
      * R4DB/8 in Asiatic Russia, UA9
      * AX9L, VI9L, VK9FL, VK9L, VK9ZL and VZ9L in Lord Howe Island, VK9L

      Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

      73 - Jim AD1C
      73 Al 4L5A



        The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 23 July 2024:

        For installation instructions, start at:

        Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

        To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

        If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

        Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

        As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

        Here are the release notes:

        23 July 2024 (CTY-3425)
        VER20240723, Version entity is Bouvet, 3Y/b

        Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

        * EA1URL/CVL and EA6XQ/P are both Spain, EA
        * TO973FY is French Guiana, FY
        * G1T and GB0NHL are both Scotland, GM
        * GB5DD and GB5VAS are both Guernsey, GU
        * GB0FL is Wales, GW
        * K0NG is in ITU zone 8, not ITU zone 6
        * K0NG is in CQ zone 4, not CQ zone 3
        * WA2SWX is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
        * K4RFT is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
        * KB8TNU is United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
        * KI5VWE, KM6SAB and N0FIX are all Hawaii, KH6
        * KG7LIP is Alaska, KL
        * LU3DPW/D is Argentina, LU
        * R0FBB/6, R1641AZ, R8CI/4, R8WX/P, RA0CDZ/6, RA9Y/4, RD8X/6, RL9Y/4,
        RN2F/7 and RT2F/4 are all European Russia, UA
        * RG5G/1 is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 17, ITU zone 20
        * RF9C/P and RX9WT/P are both in ITU zone 30, not ITU zone 31
        * RX9WT/P is in CQ zone 16, not CQ zone 18
        * RF9C/P is in CQ zone 17, not CQ zone 18
        * R2DDX/8, R95MAG and RG5G/8 are all Asiatic Russia, UA9
        * RK4PA/9 and RL1I/8 are both Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
        * R9WCF/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32
        * VE2PID/3 is Canada, VE in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 4
        * VK5BRU/8 is Australia, VK in CQ zone 29, ITU zone 55

        Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

        * GB8ONL in Shetland Islands, *GM/s
        * EA2EZ/P and EA3HSD/P in Spain, EA
        * GB0AEL in Northern Ireland, GI
        * GB8ONL in Scotland, GM
        * GB0NAC, GB0TBL, GB1MUL and GB9SOS in Wales, GW
        * W0NA in United States, K
        * KF7KTH and W3MKG in Alaska, KL
        * LU2CN/D, LU5JDM/L, LU5JU/L and LU8JNS/L in Argentina, LU
        * SV8/OK1MBZ/P in Dodecanese, SV5
        * RM0F/3 and RV1CC/1 in European Russia, UA
        * R9CS/P, RD9U/0 and UA1O/0 in Asiatic Russia, UA9

        Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

        73 - Jim AD1C
        73 Al 4L5A



          The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 09 August 2024:

          For installation instructions, start at:

          Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

          To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

          If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

          Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

          As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

          Here are the release notes:

          9 August 2024 (CTY-3428)
          VER20240809, Version entity is DPR of Korea, P5

          Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

          * GB4IMF is Scotland, GM
          * N5J is Palmyra & Jarvis Islands, KH5

          Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

          * KC1PJR in Alaska, KL
          * R2024C, R2024I, R2024J, R2024K and R2024R in European Russia, UA
          * R2024B in Kaliningrad, UA2
          * R2024S in Asiatic Russia, UA9

          Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

          73 - Jim AD1C

          73 Al 4L5A



            The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 16 August 2024:


            For installation instructions, start at:


            Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

            To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

            If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


            Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

            As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


            Here are the release notes:

            16 August 2024 (CTY-3429)
            VER20240816, Version entity is Morocco, CN

            Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

            * 9M67M is West Malaysia, 9M2
            * 9M67MQ and 9M67MS are both East Malaysia, 9M6
            * TO2DX is Reunion Island, FR
            * GB4TRS is Wales, GW
            * WQ0X is in CQ zone 5, not CQ zone 4
            * KL7YK is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
            * NN4DX is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
            * KE6YEL is Guam, KH2
            * AG7HT is Alaska, KL
            * KM6NFV and KP4MD/P are both Puerto Rico, KP4
            * LU1AM/D, LU2LAR/L, LU4ERM/D, LU5BE/S, LU5CAC/D, LU6DDC/D, LU8EFF/S
            and LU9HOO/H are all Argentina, LU
            * R0AD/3/P, R0QBB/3, R100AR, R8FF, R9HAF/3 and RY0AAN/3/P are all European Russia, UA
            * RA9WU/P is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 17, ITU zone 30
            * RX9WT/P is in CQ zone 17, not CQ zone 16
            * RA0QK/8 is Asiatic Russia, UA9
            * UA9CTT/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32

            Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

            * GB8DDY in Northern Ireland, GI
            * GB9DAT and GB9OO in Scotland, GM
            * GB0SNW in Wales, GW
            * R100NOR, R100UWA, R70OAS, R9HAF/1, RK80PT, UA4FMQ/P and UG4I/P in European Russia, UA
            * RV7B/9 and UA0DAR/P in Asiatic Russia, UA9

            Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

            73 - Jim AD1C
            73 Al 4L5A



              The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 24 August 2024:


              For installation instructions, start at:


              Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

              To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

              If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


              Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

              As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


              Here are the release notes:

              24 August 2024 (CTY-3430)
              VER20240824, Version entity is Glorioso Islands, FT/g

              Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

              * IP9P is African Italy, *IG9
              * BD4QB/0 is China, BY in CQ zone 23
              * XQ6OA is Chile, CE in ITU zone 16
              * EA5IYX/6 and EA6LU/P are both Balearic Islands, EA6
              * GB1OL is Scotland, GM
              * GB1HBL is Wales, GW
              * AE0L is United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
              * KF7YED is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 6
              * AI7FF, K3FBR, KB7FGN, KV1I and N7FUL are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
              * K4FWO, K4GUF, KC4NJX, KF4LXS, KI4ZRH, KQ4E, KX4BI, W4BS, W4XTT, WB4NCT
              and WD4XA are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
              * KC0NAH, KC5ZAP, KD8VSP and KE8WIC are all United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
              * N8DSW is Hawaii, KH6
              * AC1RU is Alaska, KL
              * LU1DLF/D, LU5FEE/H, LU5HA/H, LU6HGH/H, LU8HM/H and LU9DNV/D are all Argentina, LU
              * R1530IG, R8CW/4, R9GM/P and R9LAR/3 are all European Russia, UA
              * UG4I/P is European Russia, UA in ITU zone 30
              * R8MB/1 is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 17, ITU zone 20
              * R9CS/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9
              * R4DB/8 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
              * R450UFA and RZ9WU/P are both Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 16
              * R9YU/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
              * RX0TX/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 23, ITU zone 32
              * ZS1CT/L is South Africa, ZS

              Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

              * GB0RTB in Scotland, GM
              * AB4NH, AC7YT, AH6EZ, AI1K, AL4B, K0DVH, K0EMT, K1LB, K1LEO, K2DSW,
              K4CNY, K4CO, K4PO, K4SSO, K4VBB, K4XXX, K5JSG, K7UD, K8GP, K8WV, K9WKJ,
              N4GHU, N4OG, N4RRW, N6WHV, N7KDT, N7MJ, N8LA, N8RAT, N9CNF, N9ISN, N9MWB,
              NA9RB, NG4V, NM4N, NW5H, W0AQ, W0GZR, W0XR, W1QG, W1UT, W2MN, W2OZB, W4DGH,
              W4EM, W4GHD, W4HLR, W4IL, W4PCA, W5OBM, W5TAF, W5WGF, W8BS, WA2TOP, WA8YIH,
              WA9TZW, WB8CZH, WB8EJN, WB8PKK, WH6A, WK8V, WM5A, WR2JN, WV8HAT, WW8RR
              and WZ9W in United States, K
              * N5J in Palmyra & Jarvis Islands, KH5
              * KD6NFT in Hawaii, KH6
              * KE8BZA in Alaska, KL
              * LU3FGG/H, LU3VAL/Y and LU4HK/H in Argentina, LU
              * R8LCX/3 and UA4HAZ/P in European Russia, UA
              * RO2E/8 in Asiatic Russia, UA9

              Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

              73 - Jim AD1C
              73 Al 4L5A



                The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 15 October 2024:


                For installation instructions, start at:


                Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                Here are the release notes:

                15 October 2024 (CTY-3435)
                VER20241015, Version entity is Scotland, GM/t

                Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                * 3D2Y is Rotuma Island, 3D2/r
                * GB2DMR is Northern Ireland, GI
                * GB2KDR and M7OWO are both Scotland, GM
                * GB1WHR is Wales, GW
                * IQ0AI/P and IR0RCAG are both Sardinia, IS
                * K3EYJ, KA9MDP, KC8CC, N5LZ, N8JRT and W9NC are all United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
                * AL5P, K6RSP, K7WAX, KA4TRV, KC3MAL, KC9CSQ, KQ4GUZ and WB9WKT are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
                * KR4EE, N0FUC, N2JF, N4ML, N5DF, W4ZHA and WB6BJN are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
                * K5NT, K6SK, K9EE and N0OEP are all United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
                * KN6QVA is Hawaii, KH6
                * LU1DHL/D, LU3EU/E, LU8EHV/D, LW3DMV/D, LW4DA/E, LW5DR/D and LW7EDH/D
                are all Argentina, LU
                * LU3YZ/Y is Argentina, LU in ITU zone 16
                * R0AF/6, R50AWL and RU9F/6 are all European Russia, UA
                * RX9SR/2 is Kaliningrad, UA2
                * RA8CP/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9
                * UA1QV/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
                * RK4FAN/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18
                * VE2DXY is Canada, VE in CQ zone 2, ITU zone 4

                Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                * 9M67M in West Malaysia, 9M2
                * 9M67MQ and 9M67MS in East Malaysia, 9M6
                * EA9ADD in Spain, EA
                * EA6LU/P in Balearic Islands, EA6
                * TO8FP in St. Pierre & Miquelon, FP
                * GB1RP, GB2EL, GB2WL and GB5BL in Northern Ireland, GI
                * GB0CSL, GB0EMT, GB0FW, GB0NHL, GB0TNL, GB1OL, GB2SLH, GB2THL, GB2TNL,
                GB4HRC and GB8VJ in Scotland, GM
                * GB5DD in Guernsey, GU
                * GB0FL, GB1HBL, GB2NPH, GB2NPL and GB5PCL in Wales, GW
                * AA5ND, AE6JV, K4SHA, K8IRB, K9OT, KA4SCV, KB4VL, KF4LXS, KK9TT, KZ4A,
                N4AAJ, N5RKN, N7WFK, W4NJK, W8EWL, W8NOR, W8TMT, WA9ZZ and WC2A in United States, K
                * K6HI, KI4YOG, KJ6WIE, N0FIX and N8KGB in Hawaii, KH6
                * KK7GPT in Alaska, KL
                * KK4WDN in Puerto Rico, KP4
                * LU1DLF/D, LU2LAR/L, LU5FEE/H, LU5HA/H, LU6DDC/D, LU6HGH/H, LU8DCH/D,
                LU8HM/H and LU9DNV/D in Argentina, LU
                * R0QBB/3, R1000S, R1530IG, R555Y, R650KI, R8CW/4, R8MB/1, R9GM/P,
                R9HAF/3, RA8CP/P and RY0AAN/3/P in European Russia, UA
                * R4DB/8, R5AF/P, R8JAJ/P, R9CS/P, R9YU/P and RZ9WU/P in Asiatic Russia, UA9
                * VK7C/6 in Australia, VK
                * ZS1CT/L in South Africa, ZS

                Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

                73 - Jim AD1C
                73 Al 4L5A



                  The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 25 October 2024:


                  For installation instructions, start at:


                  Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                  To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                  If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                  Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                  As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                  Here are the release notes:

                  25 October 2024 (CTY-3436)
                  VER20241025, Version entity is San Felix & San Ambrosio, CE0X

                  Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                  * 3D2AG/P is Rotuma Island, 3D2/r
                  * 3V8CB/J is Tunisia, 3V
                  * EC5AHA and EC5AHA/8 are both Canary Islands, EA8
                  * TO9W is St. Martin, FS
                  * GB0GDS and GB0GTS are both Scotland, GM
                  * GB2GFS is Wales, GW
                  * HC5CW/8 is Galapagos Islands, HC8
                  * KG5XR is in CQ zone 5, not CQ zone 4
                  * KK7OSD, KL4OM and WB6HUG are all Hawaii, KH6
                  * AI7TS, K3WJ, KC5LAF, KC5PRO, KG7EZC, KK7EUA, KN6NAK and KQ4UZD are all Alaska, KL
                  * K2IDA and KE5FUS are both Puerto Rico, KP4
                  * LU2AJG/K, LU3EU/D, LU5ALS/D, LU5DHE/D and LW3DJC/D are all Argentina, LU
                  * PA1ASP/J, PA1AW/J, PA3EFR/J, PI4BG/J and PI9TP/J are all Netherlands, PA
                  * SV2JAO/J and SZ2TSL/J are both Greece, SV
                  * UA9UMF/6 is European Russia, UA
                  * R100IR is Asiatic Russia, UA9
                  * R0FBA/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
                  * R0WA/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32

                  Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                  * EA9ADD/P in Spain, EA
                  * GB4MNX in Isle of Man, GD
                  * GB1URC in Scotland, GM
                  * GB1SSB in Wales, GW
                  * W0VQ and W6GMT in United States, K
                  * KC5LAF in Hawaii, KH6
                  * KG7ARV and WH6PC in Alaska, KL
                  * KB9OFP in US Virgin Islands, KP2
                  * K4Z in Puerto Rico, KP4
                  * LU5BE/S and LU8EFF/S in Argentina, LU
                  * R9LAR/3, RL1I/P and UB5O/P in European Russia, UA
                  * R450UFA and R6XE/9 in Asiatic Russia, UA9
                  * VI60IOTA in Australia, VK

                  Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

                  73 - Jim AD1C
                  73 Al 4L5A



                    The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 28 November 2024:


                    For installation instructions, start at:


                    Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                    To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                    If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                    Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                    As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                    Here are the release notes:

                    28 November 2024 (CTY-3438)
                    VER20241128, Version entity is Mozambique, C9

                    Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                    * EA3HSD/P is Spain, EA
                    * EA5IYX/P is Balearic Islands, EA6
                    * TX7MAS and TX7N are both Marquesas Islands, FO/m
                    * GB8WWA is Northern Ireland, GI
                    * GB1RBL, GB200LB, GB4WWA and GB9OO are all Scotland, GM
                    * GB1MUU, GB4SDC and GB6WWA are all Wales, GW
                    * IZ3QBN/CRT is Italy, I
                    * IR0RIVA is Sardinia, IS
                    * K5LAD is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
                    * N9PQJ is United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
                    * N6DXW and W7PYZ are both Hawaii, KH6
                    * KC8WLB, KG7DJB and N8XUL are all Alaska, KL
                    * K4W is Puerto Rico, KP4
                    * L73HAT/H, LU1DTI/D, LU1HAK/H, LU1IG/I and LW1DYC/D are all Argentina, LU
                    * LU8JNS/W is Argentina, LU in ITU zone 16
                    * R8FF/P is in ITU zone 30, not ITU zone 29
                    * R8FF/P is in CQ zone 17, not CQ zone 16
                    * R100R, R100RA, R100RN, R100RP, R100RR, R100RS, R100RV, R2024DX, R8XF/P,
                    RN3QOP/4, UA9XL/P and UE34DX are all European Russia, UA
                    * UA9SY/4 is European Russia, UA in ITU zone 30
                    * R100RE, R4HY/8 and UA0KBG/8 are all Asiatic Russia, UA9
                    * R100RU is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 16
                    * R4FBJ/0/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 23
                    * R100RB is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 33
                    * UB4CLH/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 34
                    * CF2I is Canada, VE in CQ zone 2, ITU zone 4

                    Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                    * EM1/UW5EHR and LU8DBS/Z in Antarctica, CE9
                    * E51D in North Cook Islands, E5/n
                    * EA1RCI/P in Spain, EA
                    * AO50MRG in Canary Islands, EA8
                    * TO2DX in Reunion Island, FR
                    * GB2DMR in Northern Ireland, GI
                    * GB2KDR in Scotland, GM
                    * GB1WHR and GB4TRS in Wales, GW
                    * II0IADU, II0ITR and IQ0AI/P in Sardinia, IS
                    * KE4SVI and W7DMW in United States, K
                    * K6KOA, KJ6LVS, KK6CSE, KK6YBW, KR3BLK and N3QIP in Hawaii, KH6
                    * KJ7AXV, KN6OEF, W5MSC and WA7MOS in Alaska, KL
                    * KC1RDY in Puerto Rico, KP4
                    * LU3YZ/Y and LW4DA/E in Argentina, LU
                    * R0AF/6, R100AR, R100HVS, R12RED, R50DSN, R8FF/6, RA0BM/6, RA9ULL/6,
                    RO80RK, RU9F/6, UA4HAZ/P, UA9XK/1 and UG4I/P in European Russia, UA
                    * RV1CC/2 in Kaliningrad, UA2
                    * RA8CP/P, RK4FAN/9, RK4PA/9, RU9MV/0, RV7B/9, UA1QV/P and UA9AR/P
                    in Asiatic Russia, UA9

                    Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

                    73 - Jim AD1C
                    73 Al 4L5A

