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Country CTY Update 24 July 2018

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    The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 15 December 2023:

    For installation instructions, start at:

    Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

    To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

    If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

    Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

    As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

    Here are the release notes:

    15 December 2023 (CTY-3342)
    VER20231215, Version entity is Reunion Island, FR

    Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

    * GB8WWA is Northern Ireland, GI
    * GB4WWA is Scotland, GM
    * GB6WWA is Wales, GW
    * R120A, R120D, R120M, R120N, R120R and R9FCS/4 are all European Russia, UA
    * R120K is European Russia, UA in ITU zone 19
    * R120X is European Russia, UA in ITU zone 30
    * R120S, R120T and R73YOTA are all Asiatic Russia, UA9
    * R120I is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
    * R120W is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32

    Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

    * GB0OZE in Scotland, GM
    * WO7USA in Guam, KH2
    * N2KJU in Alaska, KL
    * VE2DXY in Canada, VE

    Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

    73 - Jim AD1C
    73 Al 4L5A



      The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 28 December 2023:

      For installation instructions, start at:

      Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

      To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

      If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

      Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

      As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

      Here are the release notes:

      28 December 2023 (CTY-3343)
      VER20231228, Version entity is N.Z. Subantarctic Is., ZL9

      Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

      * VK0AI is Antarctica, CE9 in CQ zone 29, ITU zone 70
      * RI1ANE is Antarctica, CE9 in CQ zone 39, ITU zone 69
      * EA1RCI/P is Spain, EA
      * IO0WWA and IP0Y are both Sardinia, IS
      * W0RXC is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
      * AI5A is United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
      * KG4OUW, KJ7KMD and KN6EQR are all Alaska, KL
      * LU/EA6LU/D and LU9JDZ/F are both Argentina, LU
      * R2024NY, R23YOTA, R80URAN, RN0A/6 and UE24NY are all European Russia, UA
      * RL1I/P is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 17, ITU zone 20
      * R100SR is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
      * RAEM is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18

      Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

      * E51JAN in North Cook Islands, E5/n
      * EA6XQ/P in Balearic Islands, EA6
      * EA1AP/8 and EC5AHA in Canary Islands, EA8
      * FO/F5JRX in Marquesas Islands, FO/m
      * GB2BD in Scotland, GM
      * W0WDW in Guam, KH2
      * KD0OLJ in Hawaii, KH6
      LU9JDZ/I, LU9JZX/I and LU9JZY/I in Argentina, LU
      * OH0MZA/3 in Finland, OH
      * R100FP, R90BAK, RA9UDK/1, RN2F/3 and RV9WB/3 in European Russia, UA
      * R1FW/0, R8CDV/0, R9CS/P, RU9SQ/8 and UA9CTT/9 in Asiatic Russia, UA9
      * VK9QO in Cocos (Keeling) Islands, VK9C

      73 - Jim AD1C

      73 Al 4L5A



        The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 05 January 2024:

        For installation instructions, start at:

        Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

        To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

        If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

        Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

        As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

        Here are the release notes:

        5 January 2024 (CTY-3401)
        VER20240105, Version entity is Republic of Kosovo, Z6

        Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

        * EA6XQ/P is Spain, EA
        * GB2KW is Scotland, GM
        * K5SPP, KA0WWT, N3QQ, N5EIF, WB2GPU and WT1L are all United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
        * N7HG is United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 7
        N4ELM, N7MM, N9MWB, N9OY, W1CR, W6BIV, W7DPB, W9GQK, WJ4M, WJ9O and WW3K
        are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
        * AA4WX, AB3DC, AG5B, K4TXJ, K7EK, KB4LA, KB4ZFA, KF4GNV, KS4L, N0MH,
        N4BCD, N4IN, N4RZ, N4VC, N7BBQ, W0ZP, W3AW, W5UE, WA1X, WA5ZQO, WB3JKQ
        and WT5A are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
        * K7WWR, KB8NUF, KD6MCX, KE6QEY, KL4J, KP4Q, N0DQD, N0YY, N7MXK, N8AG,
        N9SM, W7WZ, W8RD, WA7DIA, WB0YLE and WT5L are all United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
        * KE8UML is Hawaii, KH6
        * WB1BR is Alaska, KL
        * N2W is US Virgin Islands, KP2
        * K4W and KP4QVQ/CERT are both Puerto Rico, KP4
        * LW3DMV/D is Argentina, LU
        * RT2F/P is Kaliningrad, UA2
        * R2AB/8 is Asiatic Russia, UA9
        * RV7B/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
        * R0WA/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31

        Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

        * 7O8AD and 7O8AE in Yemen, 7O
        * LU1HCQ/Z in Antarctica, CE9
        * TX7L in Marquesas Islands, FO/m
        * BG11, BG12, BG13, BG14, BG15, BG16, BG17, BG18, BG21, BG22, BG23,
        BG24, BG25, BG26, BG27, BG28, BG31, BG32, BG33, BG34, BG35, BG36, BG37,
        BG38, BS11, BS12, BS13, BS14, BS15, BS16, BS17, BS18, BS21, BS22, BS23,
        BS24, BS25, BS26, BS27 and BS28 in Italy, I
        * KP3M and WB5NHL in United States, K
        * K4XV in Hawaii, KH6
        * AK6DA in Alaska, KL
        * WB2HMY in Puerto Rico, KP4
        * TC100AGE, TC100HQ, TC100OLD, TC100TA, TC100TC, TC100TR, TC100YEAR
        and TC10O in Asiatic Turkey, TA
        * UA5B/4 and UE37EUF in European Russia, UA
        * R80SUSU in Asiatic Russia, UA9
        * VI75G in Australia, VK

        Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

        73 - Jim AD1C
        73 Al 4L5A



          The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 02 February 2024:

          For installation instructions, start at:

          Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

          To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

          If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:

          Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

          As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:

          Here are the release notes:

          2 February 2024 (CTY-3404)
          VER20240202, Version entity is Ukraine, UR

          Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

          * KC4USC is Antarctica, CE9 in CQ zone 30, ITU zone 71
          * EA2EZ/P is Spain, EA
          * GB1RB is Scotland, GM
          * IR0RIVA is Sardinia, IS
          * AB4B is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
          * W3OGG is Hawaii, KH6
          * KE8UML is Alaska, KL
          * K6VH is Puerto Rico, KP4
          * LW2DJG/D and LW6DGI/D are both Argentina, LU
          * LU1VJK/V and LU1VZ/V are both Argentina, LU in ITU zone 16
          * R81AWD is European Russia, UA
          * R8FF/8 and R8FF/P are both Asiatic Russia, UA9
          * R4FBJ/0/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32
          * VE4COZ/7 is Canada, VE in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 2

          Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

          * AB1U in United States, K
          * KE8UML in Hawaii, KH6
          * AD0DK in Alaska, KL
          * LU/EA6LU/D and LU9JDZ/F in Argentina, LU
          * R8FF/P in European Russia, UA

          73 - Jim AD1C
          73 Al 4L5A



            The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 29 February 2024:


            For installation instructions, start at:


            Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

            To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

            If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


            Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

            As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


            Here are the release notes:

            29 February 2024 (CTY-3407)
            VER20240229, Version entity is Guinea, 3X

            Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

            * EA9ADD is Spain, EA
            * G1R, G4WZG, G4X, G5RDX and GB8FT are all Scotland, GM
            * M0DX and M0TDZ are both Wales, GW
            * AC5D, KD2DRT and WH6IQ are all Alaska, KL
            * LU1CBA/D, LW1DYC/D, LW3DEN/D, LW3EMT/D and LW9DFA/D are all Argentina, LU
            * LU1XJJ/XA is Argentina, LU in ITU zone 16
            * RC9HC/1 is European Russia, UA
            * R1IE/8 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
            * RX9WT/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 16
            * VI60IOTA is Australia, VK in CQ zone 29, ITU zone 55

            Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

            * WH6FQI in United States, K
            * KF0FMQ in Hawaii, KH6
            * KG7BFK and WB1BR in Alaska, KL
            * LW2DO/D and LW3DMV/D in Argentina, LU
            * R2024NY, R24MUN and UE24NY in European Russia, UA
            * R0WA/P and R100SR in Asiatic Russia, UA9
            * VE2PID/3 in Canada, VE

            Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

            73 - Jim AD1C
            73 Al 4L5A



              The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 29 March 2024:


              For installation instructions, start at:


              Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

              To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

              If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


              Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

              As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


              Here are the release notes:

              29 March 2024 (CTY-3412)
              VER20240329, Version entity is Kyrgyzstan, EX

              Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

              * IT9ACJ/I/BO is Sicily, *IT9
              * TO8AN is St. Martin, FS
              * GB5ALV is Northern Ireland, GI
              * GB2WSS is Scotland, GM
              * KE0DXZ is Hawaii, KH6
              * KB7YEJ and KJ7UFK are both Alaska, KL
              * LU1DXC/L, LU7DZV/D, LW3EMP/L and LW6DLS/L are all Argentina, LU
              * R165ASP, R165IP, R165NN, R8FF/1 and UE79SZ are all European Russia, UA
              * R165RP and R95FSI are both Asiatic Russia, UA9
              * R0FBA/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
              * RW6MD/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 25

              Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

              * 7O2WX in Yemen, 7O
              * IT9AAK/7 in Italy, I
              * AA3CM and KG7ART in Hawaii, KH6
              * KD7RF and KD7UZB in Alaska, KL
              * LU2CRV/D, LU2DT/D and LU4VS/V in Argentina, LU
              * R101AE, R101ME, R137YWI, R81AWD, R9HAF/3, R9KC/6, RA0BM/6 and RA3X/1
              in European Russia, UA

              Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

              73 - Jim AD1C
              73 Al 4L5A



                The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 20 April 2024:


                For installation instructions, start at:


                Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                Here are the release notes:

                20 April 2024 (CTY-3414)
                VER20240420, Version entity is Kyrgyzstan, EX

                Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                * 3D2CCC is Conway Reef, 3D2/c
                * TO2FY is French Guiana, FY
                * GB8DDY is Northern Ireland, GI
                * GB1FT, GB6DD and GB8VED are all Scotland, GM
                * GB0ILB is Wales, GW
                * IT9PQJ/0 is Italy, I
                * IQ0SS/P is Sardinia, IS
                * K1GJQ, K3EYJ, N4CUC, N5DIM, NO5O, W0MOT, W5BMO, W9PDC, W9SSS, WA0RMW,
                WA1NHZ and WE4BY are all United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
                * K7AER is United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 7
                * K7SWS and N6IGA are both United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 6
                * K7MOE, K8VH, K9TWW, KB9TYC, KC9CSQ, KC9LBO, KD2CFD, KE7RTB, KF7ZYV,
                KJ4EBE, KN4SLP, N6TCO, N7TBU, N9JNQ, N9ZW, NA7XX, ND9M, W2HK, W2RPC, W6EHY,
                W6NJB, WB9WKT and WJ9H are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
                * AA4QM, AD5IT, K0BBQ, K4HHA, K4IDT, K4JW, K4TEP, KA0S, KB4IY, KD4BWM,
                KQ4IMY, N0KWA, N0XMD, N0XOH, N1RIP, N2CCG, N2GSB, N4BCD, N4EJW, N4RRW,
                N6XBP, W0CGC, W1WWA, W4JGD, W4PGM, W4YEM, W5LNX, W5OBM, W5SPH, WA4III,
                WB4KUU, WM4U, WV4E and WX7AA are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
                * AJ6TE, K5NT, K5YDR, K8II, K9KA, KA8VZB, KB0NVR, KE8TEH, KM6UH, KU8V,
                KW5DRE, N0TR, NA5Y, NQ8C, W0GZR, W0RMX, W5MPB, W6ALG, W6GOK, W8ANT, W8DOF,
                W8QI, W9JJ, W9MGB, W9NWY, WB7RAV, WB8WUP, WG9X, WJ0J, WN8KXY and WO0M
                are all United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
                * K6KOA is Hawaii, KH6
                * AG7XM and KE5APD are both Alaska, KL
                * KD2RCT is Puerto Rico, KP4
                * LU1EQF/D and LW2EDM/D are both Argentina, LU
                * LU1XA/XA is Argentina, LU in ITU zone 16
                * 5P0WARD/D, 5P0WARD/E, 5P0WARD/H, 5P0WARD/I, 5P0WARD/U, 5P0WARD/W,
                5P0WARD/X and 5P0WARD/Z are all Denmark, OZ
                * R1961AG, R1961GP, R1994YU, R1996VK, R2014NC, R80SEV, R9KC/6, R9XD/6,
                RN2F/1, RW6MD/1 and UA0QNI/3 are all European Russia, UA
                * R4WAN/P, UA9SY/4 and UG4I/P are all European Russia, UA in ITU zone 30
                * RI0POL is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 40
                * UA9AR/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9
                * R2ET/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
                * R3DFE/9/P and RA1WS/0 are both Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32
                * VI60ATZ is Australia, VK

                Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                * 4UNR in Vienna Intl Ctr, *4U1V
                * 3D2CR in Conway Reef, 3D2/c
                * VP8CP in Antarctica, CE9
                * TO4A in Martinique, FM
                * TX0QRP in French Polynesia, FO
                * GB0DS in Wales, GW
                * AG1RL, AL4B, KD9ATF, KL4J, KN0A, KY0W, N1IPB, NK9I, WB2UBW and WB5NHL
                in United States, K
                * KC8UHF in Hawaii, KH6
                * AC5D and N7DKL in Alaska, KL
                * LU1HAK/H, LU2AJG/K, LU5EFG/D, LU5YBJ/V, LU6HL/H, LU7HCH/H, LU9EKQ/D,
                LW5DHG/D, LW5DIT/D and LW9EUE/D in Argentina, LU
                * 4UNR in Austria, OE
                * R35AFC, R35AFQ and R35DRA in European Russia, UA
                * R35AFA, R35AFZ and RX9WT/P in Asiatic Russia, UA9

                Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

                73 - Jim AD1C
                73 Al 4L5A



                  The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 13 May 2024:


                  For installation instructions, start at:


                  Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                  To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                  If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                  Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                  As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                  Here are the release notes:

                  13 May 2024 (CTY-3416)
                  VER20240513, Version entity is Central Kiribati, T31

                  Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                  * B7CRA and B9CRA are both China, BY
                  * TO972JO is Martinique, FM
                  * GB0AEL is Northern Ireland, GI
                  * GB0BOA, GB5RB and MM0PLX/P are all Scotland, GM
                  * GB0MFB, GB1SDB and GB8SOS are all Wales, GW
                  * K1LB and N5YJZ are both United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
                  * KD2DMR, NY9P and WA9FBO are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
                  * KC4YDJ, KI5UXR, KM4IYW, KO4BVP, KO4UMQ, N5VJX, W5BAM, WA2DLN and WB2UBW
                  are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
                  * AA8WZ, K8OSF, K9DY, K9JHR, KB8NXH, KQ6KC, N9FZ and WA6VZN are all United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
                  * KC5LAF, KO4V and W7CWT are all Hawaii, KH6
                  * AC9IZ, K1LH, KG5COH and KH6RF are all Alaska, KL
                  * LU2DT/D, LU3EU/D, LU4EV/D, LU5JAH/F, LU5JSB/H, LU7EPT/D, LU7VB/O,
                  LU9DNV/D, LU9JDZ/H and LW3DJC/D are all Argentina, LU
                  * RA9ULL/6, RJ9I/6, UA4FMQ/P and UE79MA are all European Russia, UA
                  * R9XD/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
                  * UA1O/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 23
                  * RL5G/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 34
                  * VK8DNT/4 is Australia, VK in ITU zone 55
                  * VK2HJ/9 is Norfolk Island, VK9N

                  Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                  * EA1RCI/P in Spain, EA
                  * TO3Z in Guadeloupe, FG
                  * GB0SPD, GB1PAT and GB9SPD in Northern Ireland, GI
                  * GB8FT in Scotland, GM
                  * AB4GG, AD4FL, AI1K, K0FE, K0PLC, K2AMF, K4KSV, K4TNN, K4YO, K5PSN,
                  K6ACV, K8MCN, K8WV, K9KA, K9TWW, KA8VZB, KB4ZFA, KF4TCV, KI4ZRH, KJ4EBE,
                  KO4SKK, N0FIR, N0TR, N2CCG, N7GVV, N7NG, N8JOE, N9JNQ, NY9H, W4YPW, W5EPL,
                  W8HMK, WA4CAX, WB4KUU, WB9WKT, WE4BY, WO0M, WP2C, WR8AA and WX7F in United States, K
                  * KD0VQY and KX4ES in Hawaii, KH6
                  * AG6PI, KF0EXR, KF7PFN, KI6ZYO, KK6BVH and KK6CAU in Alaska, KL
                  * LU2EE/D, LU7DZV/D and LW6DNF/D in Argentina, LU
                  * PI9TP/J in Netherlands, PA
                  * R24BLIN, R8FF/1, RC9HC/1, RT9K/6 and UA8K/1 in European Russia, UA
                  * R0QAW/9, R2023BA, R4DB/8 and R4FBJ/0/P in Asiatic Russia, UA9

                  73 - Jim AD1C
                  73 Al 4L5A



                    The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 31 May 2024:


                    For installation instructions, start at:


                    Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                    To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                    If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                    Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                    As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                    Here are the release notes:

                    31 May 2024 (CTY-3418)
                    VER20240531, Version entity is Mexico, XE

                    Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                    * EA1RCI/P and EA8AP/5 are both Spain, EA
                    * AN42CA is Canary Islands, EA8
                    * TO7PX is Reunion Island, FR
                    * GB0RTB and GB5DC are both Scotland, GM
                    * GB0TBL is Wales, GW
                    * AI4WS and KE6MBX are both Hawaii, KH6
                    * W8LQN is Alaska, KL
                    * N0JNA and W5KMP are both Puerto Rico, KP4
                    * LP1D/D, LT2F/D and LU8AJA/D are all Argentina, LU
                    * R8FF/P is in ITU zone 29, not ITU zone 30
                    * R8FF/P is in CQ zone 16, not CQ zone 17
                    * R8FF/3, R8XF/1 and RM0F/3 are all European Russia, UA
                    * R4DB/8 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
                    * RX9WT/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 16
                    * VK5PO/8 is Australia, VK in CQ zone 29, ITU zone 55

                    Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                    * TO1Q in Guadeloupe, FG
                    * GB1FT, GB2AAW, GB2WSS, GB5AAW, GB6AAW and GB9AAW in Scotland, GM
                    * GB0AAW, GB1MRD and GB4MDI in Wales, GW
                    * IQ0SS/P in Sardinia, IS
                    * N4ARO in United States, K
                    * KQ4HSP in US Virgin Islands, KP2
                    * LU1DXC/L, LW3EMP/L and LW6DLS/L in Argentina, LU
                    * R108M, R165ASP, R165B, R165IP, R165NN, R165PM, R165SE, R1934G, R1961AG,
                    R1961G, R1961GP, R1994YU, R1996VK, R2014NC, R90KEDR, R9XD/6, RG61PP, RN2F/1,
                    RT90YG, RW6MD/1 and UG4I/P in European Russia, UA
                    * R165AP, R165RP, R3DFE/9/P, RA1WS/0 and RV7B/9 in Asiatic Russia, UA9

                    Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

                    73 - Jim AD1C
                    73 Al 4L5A



                      The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 10 June 2024:


                      For installation instructions, start at:


                      Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the software you are using.

                      To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

                      If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get it here:


                      Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are different than what is shown below. There is a separate link to them.

                      As a reminder, there is an RSS feed of the latest country file announcements:


                      Here are the release notes:

                      10 June 2024 (CTY-3420)
                      VER20240610, Version entity is Rodriguez Island, 3B9

                      Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Call signs:

                      * GB0NAC and M0KWG are both Wales, GW
                      * 5K0LR is Colombia, HK
                      * IQ0PM is Sardinia, IS
                      * WB6NVB is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
                      * N4ARO is United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
                      * K8R is American Samoa, KH8
                      * LU1HIP/H, LU2HDM/H, LU5JDM/L and LU8JNS/L are all Argentina, LU
                      * SV8/OK1MBZ/P is Dodecanese, SV5
                      * R2024C, R2024I, R2024J, R2024K, R2024R and R8LCX/3 are all European Russia, UA
                      * RM0F/1 and RV1CC/1 are both European Russia, UA in ITU zone 19
                      * R2024B is Kaliningrad, UA2
                      * RV7B/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
                      * R3DBN/9/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
                      * R2024S is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32
                      * R5AF/P is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 34
                      * VA2WMA is Canada, VE in CQ zone 2, ITU zone 4
                      * VK7C/6 is Australia, VK in CQ zone 29, ITU zone 58
                      * VK2/W7BRS is Lord Howe Island, VK9L

                      Removed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns:

                      * EA6XQ/P in Spain, EA
                      * TO4VV in Mayotte, FH
                      * GB0SIC in Scotland, GM
                      * HK4X/HK0 in Colombia, HK
                      * W0RXC and W5KBW in United States, K
                      * AB2JF in Guam, KH2
                      * KD2RCT in Puerto Rico, KP4
                      * LW2EDM/D in Argentina, LU
                      * R0FBA/9 and R1FW/0 in Asiatic Russia, UA9
                      * VK3ZW in Australia, VK

                      Though I am subscribed to this reflector so that I can make these announcements, I do not see most messages posted to it. If you have any comments or corrections to the country file, please contact me directly.

                      73 - Jim AD1C
                      73 Al 4L5A

