Claudio, IU4DTT will be active in contests with his contest call IR4V from Terenzo, Italy.
He will operate in different contests.
QSL via home call buro, direct, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Claudio Venusti, Strada della Borgata 21, Lesignano Palmia, 43040 Terenzo, (PR), Italy.

Terenzo, Italy. Author - Celeste Bonelli.
He will operate in different contests.
QSL via home call buro, direct, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Claudio Venusti, Strada della Borgata 21, Lesignano Palmia, 43040 Terenzo, (PR), Italy.

Terenzo, Italy. Author - Celeste Bonelli.