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Scottish DX Contest

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    Scottish DX Contest

    Contest Rules

    Full Rules for the 1st Scottish DX Contest over the weekend of 22-23 July 2017.
    We invite you to share this information with anyone who may be interested.

    Contest Loggers supporting the contest

    N1MM+ by using a custom UDC.

    SD by EI5DI

    For MAC users, Skookum Logger is available for use. Visit their page here.

    Mode: CW, SSB

    Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m

    Single Op All Band (CW/SSB)(Low/High)
    Single Op All Band Mixed (QRP/Low/High)
    Single Op Single Band (Mixed/CW/SSB)(Low/High)
    Multi-Single (Low/High)

    Max power:
    HP: >100 Watts
    LP: <100 watts
    QRP: <5 watts

    Scotland: RS(T) + 2-letter Council Region. (32 In Total)
    non-Scotland: RS(T) + Serial No.

    Work stations:
    Once per band per mode

    QSO Points:
    1 point per QSO with same country
    3 point per QSO with different country, same continent
    5 points per QSO with different continent
    7 points per QSO with Scottish station

    Scottish Council Areas, once per band
    Individual DXCC, once per band

    Score Calculation:
    Total score = total QSO points x total mults

    2. Contest Period
    1200 UTC 22 July - 1159 UTC 23 July 2017

    3. Categories:
    SOAB–MIX - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED,
    SOAB–MIX-LP - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, Low Power 100 watts
    SOAB-MIX-QRP - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, QRP 5 watts
    SOAB–CW - Single Op, All Bands, CW
    SOAB–CW–LP - Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts
    SOAB–SSB - Single Op, All Bands, SSB
    SOAB–SSB-LP - Single Op, All Bands, SSB, Low Power 100 watts
    SOSB - Single Op, single band, MIXED
    MOST - Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter, MIXED
    MOMT - Multi Op, Multi Transmitters, MIXED

    All bands, 1.8 through 28 MHz, WARC bands excluded.
    - The participant can operate and enter in two different single band categories. This allows a station, for example, enter two logs for 10m and 80m and have both count towards awards.
    - Single Band entrants operating other bands during the contest are encouraged to submit their logs for more than one band to aid in the log cross-checking process.
    - All entries separated by Scotland , World.

    4. General Rules
    - All station transmitters, receivers and antennas must be located within a 500 meter diameter circle. All antennas must be physically connected to transmitters and receivers. The use of receiving equipment outside the 500 meter circle is considered unsportsmanlike and violation of this rule make the entrant subject to disqualification.
    - A station which complies may be operated remotely via network connection in political entities where remote station operation is legally permitted. A call sign appropriate for the DXCC entity where the station is physically located must be used.
    - All entry categories are allowed to use packet and/or web clusters for spotting assistance.
    - Self-spotting is not allowed. Soliciting contacts by telephone, telex, internet, packet mail during and before the contest is forbidden.
    - Using other stations callsigns for the following - keeping the working frequency on the other bands, making schedules, DX-spotting, moving the multipliers to the other bands - is prohibited.
    - The use by an entrant of telephones, telegrams, Internet, packet to solicit contacts during the contest (self-spotting) is not allowed and forces to disqualification of an entrant.
    - Single Operator participants may change bands and modes without restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time.
    - Single Operator: Those stations at which One person performs all of operating, logging, and spotting functions.
    - MOST stations: Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time. Exception: two signals on different bands are allowed if and only if the station on another (only one) “multiplier” band picked up a new multiplier.
    - MOMT (Multi Op, Multi transmitters): A maximum of two transmitted signals at any time on different bands. Both transmitters may work any and all stations. A station may only be worked twice per band (CW and SSB) regardless of which transmitter is used.
    - All of MIXED categories entrants can work the same station both CW and SSB. CW contacts on SSB portion of the band, and SSB contacts on CW portion of the band are prohibited.

    5. Exchange:
    - Non-Scottish stations: signal report + QSO number, starting with 001.
    - Scottish stations: signal report + Council Region Code (two letters).

    6. QSO Points.
    QSO with your own country – 1 points,
    QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
    QSO with another continent – 5 points.
    QSO with Scottish Station - 7 points

    7. SWL stations must copy one or both exchange numbers, points are scored on common rules.

    8. Dupes
    - Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and mode. If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, second (dupe) contact is accepted.
    - Dupe contacts are not penalized; one does not have to mark them in the log submission. Moreover, entrants are strictly recommended to leave DUPES in the log file. DO NOT DELETE DUPES!

    9. Multipliers
    - Two types of multiplier will be used:
    A multiplier of one (1) for each different Council Region contacted on each band.
    A multiplier of one (1) for each different country (DXCC entity list + WAE multipliers list) contacted on each band.

    10. Final Score
    All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of Council Regions and country multipliers.

    11. General Log Submission Requirements
    - Logs are accepted in CABRILLO electronic format only.
    - Filename of your log should be yourcall.log or .cbr. Example: GM1AAA.log.
    - For 2 band entries participants filenames used must be: yourcall_band.log or .cbr. Example: GM1AAA_20.log and GM1AAA_80.log.
    - Electronic log must be submitted as an attachment to
    - The subject line of an E-mail with your log must contain your call.
    - All times must be in UTC.
    - All sent and received exchanges must be logged.
    - In the header part of the electronic log submission you must specify entry category and your full mailing address, suitable for receiving certificates and trophies.
    - Dupes should not be marked or deleted.
    - MOST (Multi Op, Single transmitters) electronic log submission (Cabrillo) must identify which transmitter made each QSO.
    - A participant will be moved to Check Log if he fails to identify the number of transmitters in MOST entry.

    12. Log Submission Terms
    - Logs must be submitted to the contest sponsors within 14 days after the end of the contest (no later than 06.08.2017).
    - Receipt of the log is automatically confirmed by E-mail, as well as placement into "Logs received list" page on the Website.

    13. Awards
    - Special plaques for each different category Winner.
    - Every participant will receive a certificate of participation reflecting results.
    - SWL stations will be awarded a certificate.

    14. Contest-Related Information
    - Every participant who sends his electronic log will receive UBN list upon request, after the declaration of results.
    - Any SDXC related questions should be sent to e-mail

    15. SDXC judging is done with total computerized control.

    SDXC Contest Committee decisions are final.

    SDXC Contest Committee invites all the radio amateurs from Scotland and foreign countries to take part in 1st Scottish DX Contest.

    City of Aberdeen - CA
    Aberdeenshire - AD
    Angus - AN
    Argyll & Bute - AB
    Clackmannanshire - CL
    Dumfries & Galloway - DG
    City of Dundee - CD
    East Ayrshire - EA
    East Dunbartonshire - ED
    East Lothian - EL
    East Renfrewshire - ER
    City of Edinburgh - CE
    Outer Hebrides - OH
    Falkirk - FK
    Fife - FI
    City of Glasgow - CG
    Highland - HI
    Inverclyde - IC
    Midlothian - ML
    Moray - MO
    North Ayrshire - NA
    North Lanarkshire - NL
    Orkney - OR
    Perth & Kinross - PK
    Renfrewshire - RE
    Scottish Borders - SB
    Shetland - SH
    South Ayrshire - SA
    South Lanarkshire - SL
    Stirling - ST
    West Dunbartonshire - WD
    West Lothian WL
    Scottish DX Contest
    73 Al 4L5A

    Thanks for your support of this contest



      You welcome Scott
      Im sure contest will be popular
      73 Al 4L5A



        Scottish DX Contest TR4W for version 4.40.6 and higher
        73 Al 4L5A

