" The Day of YLs " 24 & 25 May 2020



Aim of this day : To promote YLs activity around the world

Time : 2020-05-24 00h01 UTC to 2020-05-25 23:59h00 UTC

Bands : 3,5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz & for the first time VHF also but outside the relays, of course.

To help competitors to find each other we propose to use frequencies +/- 10 kHz
from the following activity center frequencies:

CW: 3.533, 7.033, 14.033, 21.033 and 28.033 MHz
RTTY: 3.588, 7.044, 14.088, 21.088 and 28.088 MHz
SSB: 3.733, 7.133, 14.213, 14.240, 14.300, 21.233, 21.400 and 28.433 MHz

Modes : CW, SSB, RTTY

Exchanges : RS(T) + YL/OM (e.g. 59(9)+ YL/OM)
The same station may be worked once on each band and mode

Award : An award will be issued to all participants (SWLs also) who has contacted or heard
for the 33 points with YLs (pdf file):

For OM / YL 2 points
For YL/ YL 3 points
For YL / OM 1 point

Results will be published separately for OM and YLs according to the number of YLs logged

Logs : Mail log to TBD and date TBD

Mail object : call + OM/YL + Number of YL contacted + Total number of QSO

Log software :
You can use & many tnx N1MM, qrz, lotw, eqsl.cc