For amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 meter band.
Date and Contest Period:
Second weekend of March. Starts 12:00 UTC Saturday; runs through 12:00 UTC Sunday. (March 13–14 2021).
Contest Exchange:
SSB: RS, plus CQ Zone of the station location (e.g. 59 13)
CW: RST, plus CQ Zone of the station location (e.g. 599 13)
Final score is result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of CQ zones and prefix multipliers.
QSO Points: stations may be contacted once on each mode. QSO points are based on the location of the station worked.
DX Stations
Contacts with South American stations count four (4) points.
Contacts with other DX stations outside own country, count two (2) points.
Contacts with Marine Mobile (/MM) or Aerial Mobile (/AM) count two (2) points.
Contacts with other DX stations same country count zero (0) points.
South American Stations
Contacts with South American stations, outside own country, count two (2) points.
Contacts with other DX stations outside South America, count four (4) points.
Contacts with Marine Mobile (/MM) or Aerial Mobile (/AM) count two (2) points.
Contacts with other stations in the same country, zero (0) points.
Multiplier: Different prefixes, plus CQ zones.
Maritime and Aerial Mobile stations: (/MM and /MA) would count as either as South American or DX station depending of the CQ Zone the station is operating from. Zones 9,10,11,12 and 13 are for South America, any other CQ Zones are considered DX.
Entry Categories:
Single Operator Categories:
One person (the operator) performs all operating and logging functions. There is no limit on operating time. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. QSO finding assistance is permitted.
Depending on power:
High Power: Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.
Low Power: Total output power must not exceed 150 watts.
QRP: Total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
Depending on mode used:
Mixed Mode (SSB and CW).
CW Mode
SSB Mode
Multi Operator Category, Single transmitter:
More than one person performs all operating and logging functions. There is no limit on operating time. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. QSO finding assistance is permitted.
Only Mixed Mode (SSB and CW) and High Power: Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts at any time.
Entry submitted to assist with the log checking. The entry will not have a score in the results and the log will not be made public.
Awards: electronic certificates will be awarded to:
First-place electronic certificates will be awarded in each category , the highest score of the individual operator and multi station – operator (in each category) to:
South America stations
DX stations (outside South America) for each country.
Argentinian Stations
Definitions of terms:
Station location: The area in which all the transmitters, receivers and antennas are located. All transmitters and receivers must be within a single 500-meter diameter circle. Antennas must be physically connected by RF transmission lines to the transmitters and receivers.
QSO finding assistance: The use of any technology or other source that provides call sign or multiplier identification of a signal to the operator. This includes, but is not limited to, use of a CW decoder, DX cluster, DX spotting web sites (e.g., DX Summit), local or remote call sign and frequency decoding technology (e.g., CW Skimmer or Reverse Beacon Network), or operating arrangements involving other individuals.
General rules for all entrants:
Entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score.
Do not exceed the total output power limitation of the chosen entry category on any band. Total output power on any band at any time is measured at the output of the active amplifier(s).
Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.
Remote operation is permitted if the physical location of all transmitters, receivers, and antennas are at one station location. A remotely operated station must obey all station license, operator license, and category limitations. The call sign used must be one issued or permitted by the Regulatory Authority of the station location.
Remote receivers outside of the station location are not permitted.
Only one signal on the band is allowed at any time.
All requests for contacts, responses to calls, and copying of call signs and contest exchanges must be accomplished during the contest period using the mode and frequencies of the contest.
Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after the contest, by use of any database, recordings, email or other methods, is not allowed.
Call signs logged must be the same as those exchanged over the air by the entrants during the QSO.
All CW contacts must be made on frequencies between 28000 and 28300 KHz.
Stations that enter a mixed-mode category may change modes at any time.
Duplicated contacts are not considered but operators are encouraged to reflect them in the log.
No change of operating site is permitted.
For Single-Operator and Multi-Operator Single Transmitter entry, transmitting two signals or more at the same time is not permitted.
Only two-way contacts allowed (i.e. contacts made through repeaters are not allowed).
Cross-mode contacts are not permitted.
Log instructions:
Electronic submission of logs is required for all entrants who use a computer to log the contest or prepare contest logs.
The log MUST show the following for each contact: correct date and time in UTC, frequency (or band), call sign of the station worked, exchange sent, and exchange received. A log without all required information may be reclassified to Checklog. Contacts should be logged immediately as they are completed. Contacts should be logged at the time they are completed. Stations competing for top positions of their categories must provide actual frequencies for all contacts in the log.
The CABRILLO file format is the standard for logs. See: HERE for detailed instructions on filling out the CABRILLO file header. Failure to fill out the header correctly may result in the entry being placed in the wrong category or reclassified as a Checklog.
Email submission is required. Logs in CABRILLO format should be sent to logs@sa10m.com.ar Include only the entry call sign in the “Subject:” line of the e-mail.
Instructions for NON-CABRILLO electronic logs: If you are not able to submit a CABRILLO format log, please contact the Contest Committee for assistance with submitting another format.
Entry Confirmation: All logs received will be confirmed via e-mail. A listing of logs received can be found at www.sa10m.com.ar
Log withdrawal: An entrant may withdraw the submitted log for any reason within 30 days of the log deadline. Contact the Contest Committee for instructions.
Log deadline:
All entries must be sent WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS after the end of the contest. Resubmitting an entry after the deadline will result in it being considered as a late log. Logs must be submitted no later than 23:59 UTC March 21, 2021.
An extension may be requested by e-mail to sa10m@sa10m.com.ar. The request must state a legitimate reason and must be received before the log deadline. Extensions are granted only upon confirmation by the Contest Committee.
Logs submitted or postmarked after the deadline may be listed in the results, but are not eligible for certificates.
The SA 10 meters Contest Committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries.