They will operate in various contests.
QSL via G4R, LOTW, eQSL, QRZ com Log Book.
Information from their QRZ page:
The Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society (FRARS) was founded in 1982 by employees of Flight Refuelling (Now Cobham PLC). The Society is an affiliated member of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).
FRARS is a large and very active club, based just five miles north of Poole in Dorset. Our club has state of the art equipment for most of the radio bands available to amateur radio operators in the United Kingdom, from HF through to microwave.
Separate HF and VHF/UHF shacks enable operators to use different bands without interference. With three permanent antenna masts we have beam antennas up all year round for multiple bands up to 23cms.
Our in house microwave group are actively developing and improving our EME (moon-bounce) capabilities, for which we hold several records. A small workshop gives room for both mechanical and electronics construction facilities as well as specialist test equipment. The club members have a diverse range of interests within the amateur radio sphere, from general HF, VHF and UHF operating to contesting using both voice and Morse, amateur television, EME, electronics construction and more.
We also run regular training courses in our spacious meeting room for those looking to obtain an amateur radio license, or to progress to the next level.