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Contest Marathon - Russian Contest Club

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  • 4L5A
    6.10 Plaque "RCC CONTEST-MARATHON HONOR ROLL" is awarded each
    participant of the contest marathon (in the group "Other stations"), which
    will hold a QSO with ALL stations operating the special call-sign – at least
    one QSO with each special station, on any band and any mode.
    QSO with R20RCC count for any missing call ("Joker").
    Individual plaques are manufactured on substrates of valuable wood —
    high quality print on a plate of metal with a glossy finish. On the plaque
    apply call.
    The cost of the plaque is 40 EUR (+shipping).
    6.11 «RCC CONTEST-MARATHON PROFI» — the prize of black textured glass
    — is awarded to each participant (in the group "Other stations") who
    attains at least 200 points over the first 24 hours of the contest marathon.
    The prize is made from a special glass with application of the calling party.
    The value of the prize is 50 EUR (+shipping).
    7. Logs, contacts & additional information
    7.1 Please use to download the awards mentioned
    above and to get more details.
    7.2 Organizing committee contact:

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  • 4L5A

    4.2.2 Allocation of call-signs for the operators of stations in the subset of
    "SINGLE OP" is made in order of receipt of requests and in accordance
    with their wishes.
    4.2.3 Station group of "SINGLE OP" operate on all bands permitted SSB
    and(or) CW, on the condition that on the air at the same time can
    transmit ONE SIGNAL. For violation of this rule, the station will be
    4.2.4 Number of transitions from one band to another (and from one
    mode to another) is not limited.
    4.2.5 Station group of "SINGLE OP" to independently plan their operate,
    using the service HAMLOG (, and promptly produced
    upload logs (QSO).
    4.2.6 participate in the contest-marathon and get right to operate the
    special call-sign in the group of "SINGLE OP" can ONLY be a MEMBER of
    the Russian Contest Club timely filed the appropriate application.
    4.3 Station HQ RCC
    4.3.1 HQ Station of the Russian Contest Club has a Call-sign R20RCC and
    takes part in the contest the marathon OUTSIDE the COMPETITION (just for
    4.3.2 the Right to use the Call-sign R20RCC provided by the organizing
    -leading contest men with extensive experience and high achievements
    in contesting;
    -club radio stations that belong to clubs and associations of radio
    Amateurs and actively participate in contests of different levels.
    4.4.1 Other stations – individual or club stations of the Russian Federation
    and all over the World with valid amateur radio license.
    4.4.2 Stations of this group can operate with participants groups "TEAM"
    and "SINGLE OP" and also with the HQ station (R20RCC).
    5. Scoring.
    5.1 For all categories of participants for each QSO with a station operating
    the special call-sign is awarded 2 points.
    5.2 For QSOs with the station of the HQ of the RCC R20RCC award 20
    5.3 Repeated QSOs are calculated for different bands and different
    modes. Cross-band and cross-mode QSOs are not counted.
    5.4 the Final result is the sum of the QSO points.
    6. Awards "OTHER STATIONS".
    FOR 50 POINTS:
    6.1 AWARD of "20 years RCC" III stage is awarded the participant of the
    contest marathon (in the group "Other participants") who attains not less
    than 50 points – FREE (e-version downloaded from the site
    6.2 "PENNANT FOR the LOVE of CONTESTING" — awarded to the participant
    of the contest marathon (in the group "Other stations"), who will score at
    least 50 points.
    The cost of the pennant – 10 EUR (+shipping).
    FOR 100 POINTS:
    6.3 AWARD of "20 years RCC" II stage is awarded the participant of the
    contest marathon (in the group "Other stations"), who will score at least
    100 points – FREE (e-version downloaded from the site
    6.4 MEDAL "20 years RCC" — awarded to each participant of the contest
    marathon (in the group "Other stations"), who will score at least 100 points.
    The cost of the medal – 10 EUR (+ shipping).
    FOR 150 POINTS:
    6.5 AWARD of "20 years RCC" I stage — awarded to the participant of the
    contest marathon (in the group "Other stations"), who will score at least
    150 points – FREE (e-version downloaded from the site
    6.6 Plaque "20 years RCC" — awarded to each participant of the contest
    marathon (in the group "Other stations"), who will score at least 150 points.
    Individual plaques are manufactured on substrates of valuable wood —
    high quality print on a plate of metal with a glossy finish. On the plaque
    apply call.
    The cost of the plaque is 20 EUR (+shipping).
    6.7 Personal Cup "20 years RCC" — awarded to each participant of the
    contest marathon (in the group "Other stations"), who will score at least
    150 points.
    Individual cups with the label on a plate of metal with a glossy finish with
    the application of a Call-sign.
    The cost of the Cup – 20 EUR (+shipping).
    FOR 200 POINTS:
    6.8 AWARD "RCC CONTEST-MARATHON WINNER" — awarded to the
    participant of the contest marathon (in the group "Other stations") who
    attains at least 200 points – FREE (e-version downloaded from the site
    6.9 Plaque "RCC CONTEST-MARATHON WINNER" — awarded to each
    participant of the contest marathon (in the group "Other stations") who
    attains at least 200 points.
    Individual plaques are manufactured on substrates of valuable wood —
    high quality print on a plate of metal with a glossy finish. On the plaque
    apply call.
    The cost of the plaque is 30 EUR (+shipping).
    6.10 participants (“Other stations” category) who scored the MAXIMUM
    points for contacts with special stations (1, 2, and 3 according to the total
    points) are awarded by the plaque (for FREE).
    Individual plaques are manufactured on substrates of valuable wood —
    high quality print on a plate of metal with a glossy finish. On the plaque
    apply call.

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  • 4L5A
    4.1.2 each station in the group «TEAM» has a team-leader. Whose
    responsibilities include:
    — invite members to the team
    — collecting data about the operators and transmission of these data for
    special call-signs responsible of the organizing Committee of the
    — coordination of Team operating;
    — control of observance of all norms, regulations and rules, including the
    Provisions of the contest marathon;
    — control upload "logs" to the
    The team-leader is approved by the organizing Committee of the contest
    4.1.3 Station group "TEAM" can operate at the same time on all permitted
    bands, SSB and(or) CW, on the condition that aired at the same time
    sounds NO MORE than 10 SIGNALS. For violation of this rule, the station will
    be disqualified.
    4.1.4 change bands is not limited
    4.1.5 Station group TEAM in coordination with the team-leader to
    coordinate their work by using HAMLOG ( and to timely
    produce the upload logs (QSO).
    4.1.6 to Be a team-leader and a member of the team in the category
    "TEAM" can any amateur Russian Federation, with appropriate amateur
    radio license in time to apply for the status of "team-leader" and approved
    by the organizing Committee of the contest marathon.
    4.2 Category «SINGLE OP»
    4.2.1 Station a group of "SINGLE OP" use call-signs structure RC20** and
    R*20CC, and owned by individual operators who have the appropriate
    amateur radio license and located the Russian Federation during the
    contest marathon.
    «Single Ops»
    RM20CC — RM9RZ
    RN20CC — RN6L
    RK20CC — RK3E
    RU20CC — UA3RU
    RC20TT — R8TT
    RC20NZ — R7MC
    RC20AB — R9AB
    RC20RT — R4RT
    RC20MX — RA9MX
    RC20AC — RA9AC
    RC20RZ — RX3RZ
    RC20AA — R2AA
    RC20CW — R6CW
    RC20CD — RD0CD
    RC20QA — RW9QA
    RC20UU — RC6U
    RC20FM — R9FM
    RC20NN — R3NN
    RC20OB — RM9T
    RC20QF — UA9QFF
    RC20QC — RW9QC
    RC20RF — UA3RF
    RC20TT — R8TT
    RC20HZ — RM4HZ
    VR20ZQZ — VR2ZQZ
    VR20EH — VR2ZQZ

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  • 4L5A
    started a topic Contest Marathon - Russian Contest Club

    Contest Marathon - Russian Contest Club

    to the 20th Anniversary of the Russian
    Contest Club
    (final English version – tks RL5D)
    1. General information.
    1.1 The Contest marathon: «RCC 20 YEARS» is part of events to celebrate
    the 20th anniversary of the Russian Contest Club (RCC).
    1.2 The organizers of the contest marathon are Russian Contest Club, web
    portal "HAMLOG" and SRR.
    2. Dates and conditions of the contest marathon:
    2.1 Start: 21:00 UTC -13 sep 2017
    2.2 Finish: 21:00 UTC - 16 sep 2017
    2.3 Allowed bands 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters bands.
    Mode – CW, SSB, exclude «mixed» QSOs.
    2.4 Allowed QSO between DIFFERENT groups of participants (QSO's in the
    same group are not counted).
    3.1 Stations using special call-signs:
    3.1.1 «TEAM» — participants of this category – team (no more than 10
    people) led by the team leader.
    3.1.2 «SINGLE OP» — individual stations – members of Russian Contest Club
    who use special call-sign during the contest-marathon.
    3.2 «OTHER STATIONS» — individuals or club stations, who use their own
    (individual or club) call-sign – invited radio Amateurs around the World.
    4. Operation conditions
    4.1 Category «TEAM»:
    4.1.1 Stations of this group use call-signs structure R20*** and belong to
    teams located in the following Federal districts:
    R20CFO – (team leader UA3DPX)
    R20SZO – (team leader R9XC)
    R20YFO – (team leader UA6AA)
    R20PFO – (team leader RO4F)
    R20UFO – (team leader RG9A)
    R20DFO – (team leader RN0CT)
    R20MSK – (team leader R2DA)
    R20SPB – (team leader RD1A)
    R20NSK – (team leader RO9O)
    R20EKB – (team leader RA9DZ)
    R20NNG – (team leader RN3TT)
    R20SAM – (team leader RM4HZ)
    R20RND– (team leader R7LV)
    R20UFA – (team leader RV9WB)
    R20KRK – (team leader RA0AM)
    R20PRM – (team leader RU9F)
    R20VRN – (team leader R3KM)
    R20VLG – (team leader R4AS)
    Russian Contest Club HQ Station
    R20RCC - team leader RG3K