Oceania DX Contest 2022
Results 2021
Now available at the web site oceaniadxcontest.com
Last year we introduced new awards for YL’s and they continue. This year we are introducing new awards for youth operators. See the web site for details on these and other awards.
Contest Period
PHONE: Contest: 06:00 UTC Saturday 1 October to 06:00 UTC Sunday 2 October 2022
CW: Contest: 06:00 UTC Saturday 8 October to 06:00 UTC Sunday 9 October 2022
The aim of the contest is to promote HF contacts with stations in the Oceania region, i.e., 9M6, DU, KH6, VK, ZL, YB, Pacific Islands and all other Oceania entities.

The object is for:
• Oceania transmitting stations to contact as many stations as possible both inside and outside the Oceania region.
• Non-Oceania transmitting stations to contact as many stations as possible inside the Oceania region. There is no penalty for working non-Oceania stations but contacts between non-Oceania stations will score no points or multiplier credits.
• Oceania receiving (SWL) stations to copy as many contest stations as possible both inside and outside the Oceania region.
• Non-Oceania receiving (SWL) stations to copy as many contest stations as possible inside the Oceania region.
• Single Operator QRP (SO QRP): Either all bands or a single band.
• Single Operator Low Power (SO LP): Either all bands or a single band.
• Single Operator High Power (SO HP): Either all bands or a single band.
• Multiple Operators and Single Transmitter (M1): More than one person can contribute to the final score during the contest period. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.
• Multiple Operators and Two Transmitters (M2): More than one person can contribute to the final score during the contest period. A maximum of two transmitted signals is permitted at any time on different bands.
• Multiple Operators and Multiple Transmitters (MM): More than one person can contribute to the final score during the contest period. No limit to transmitters, but only one transmitted signal (and running station) allowed per band at any time.
• Short Wave Listener (SWL): Receive only and all bands.
• Check Log
RS(T) report plus a progressive contact serial number starting at 001 and incrementing by one for each contact. M2 and MM entries are to use a separate serial number starting at 001 for each band. If the station worked does not send a serial number for the contest, then the received number is to be logged as 001
Each QSO is credited twenty points on 160M; ten points on 80M; five points on 40M; one point on 20M; two points on 15M; and three points on 10M. Note that the same station may only be counted once on each band for contact points.
The multiplier is the number of different valid prefixes worked. Note that the same prefix may be counted once on each band for multiplier credit.
The prefix is the letter/numeral combination which forms the first part of the amateur call.
Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations are encouraged to participate.
The final score is the sum of the Contact Points multiplied by the Multiplier (the total number of prefixes worked on all bands, noting that the same prefix can be counted once on each band).

Electronic logs are preferred and are mandatory for stations logging more than 50 contacts.
Electronic logs are to be submitted in Cabrillo format. See oceaniadxcontest.com for the latest information on the Cabrillo log format requirements.
The log file name is to be in the form callsign.log, for example, if ZL2WB submits a log file - then it should be named zl2wb.log.
Submit your Cabrillo log file using the on-line submission form on the web site at oceaniadxcontest.com.
Entrants using paper logging, or logging software that does not produce a Cabrillo file, are encouraged to use the on-line forms at b4h.net/cabforms/ to create and submit a Cabrillo file.
Full rules
Full Rules are at oceaniadxcontest.com
Information received from Martin, VK7GN.