What is the WWA?

The World Wide Award is the rst international radio project that aims to aggregate the largest number of countries in the world in a single event, excluding the already well-known world contests. Born from the experience of the HamInnovation team during the three years of organizing WRTC 2022, it is now the world's leading radio event in terms of the number of QSOs and activators. WWA has been growing continuously since its rst edition in January 2024, and after its great success, it was decided to organize a faster edition, the "Sprint World Wide Award," in July. All technology is managed by Hamaward.cloud, the most well-known and powerful platform on the market for organizing large radio events where automating the coordination of activators and providing the most data and information in real time is essential.

When does the WWA take place?

The WWA aims to become the most followed radio event in the world over time, with two editions each year: - January, 1 month - July, 1 week

A radio event for everyone

There is signicant work by the organizing team to recruit activator teams, to ensure the largest number of countries and stations on air. Hunters have the opportunity to engage in a very enjoyable competition across all HF bands and modes, aspiring to win the top three positions in each category.

See the rules here: https://hamaward.cloud/wwa/rules