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WRTC 2018 News

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    WRTC 2018 News

    Hi folks,

    We made some correction at the IARU-HF 2016 scores.

    73 Ulf, DL5AXX
    WRTC2018 qualifications
    73 Al 4L5A

    WRTC 2018 Team Leaders
    WRTC 2018 Team Leaders KU1CW

    Author - Alexander Tkatch KU1CW.
    73 Al 4L5A



      Published: 15 June 2017
      The WRTC 2018 Organizing Committee, host of the 2018 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) in Germany is pleased to announce that the application process for individuals that would like to participate in WRTC 2018 as a Team Leader is now open. Team Leader applications must be submitted no later than August 15, 2017.

      WRTC is a competition among two-operator teams. A total of 63 Team Leaders will be selected from the top qualifiers in 29 regions from around the world. Each Team Leader then selects their teammate for the competition.

      The Team Leader qualification formula consists of 12 scores selected from 32 qualifying events between February 2015 and November 2016.

      Chris, DL1MGB, president of the WRTC 2018 Organizing Committee, announced, “After two very exciting years of competition, we received the results from the final qualifying event. And now we are ready to receive the competitors' applications. It will be exciting to see who earns a place in the competition.”

      Team Leaders must apply no later than August 15, 2017 to be eligible for WRTC 2018.

      Ulf, DL5AXX, is leading the competitor selection process. “All possible Team Leaders must apply using the application form on the WRTC 2018 web site.” Ulf also encourages all of those with high rankings to apply because it is possible that some of those with higher scores in your Selection Area may choose not to apply. There will be five Wild Card Team Leaders selected from those applications that did not earn a spot as a Team Leader.

      Ulf has been tracking the scores reported in the qualifying events. The
      32 qualifying events included 30,814 operators who produced 141,787 scores!

      In addition to the regional qualifying, there are also three slots dedicated to contest teams with both members less than 25 years old before July 2018. Those interested in being considered for the Youth Team must follow the Team Leader application process.

      Announcement of the Team Leaders is scheduled by beginning of September.
      Anyone that does not apply by the deadline will not be considered.

      For all questions related to WRTC 2018 competitor applications, please send e-mail to

      Michael Höding, DL6MHW
      Vice-President, Fundraising, PR
      73 Al 4L5A



        Hi folks,

        In preparation for WRTC 2018, the second WRTC test day will take place from the 23rd to the 25th of June in Jessen and surrounding area. The focus will be on testing logistics and training the support teams. Radio operation and event reporting through social media will also take place during the tests. Nearly 100 volunteers are coming from all over Germany to build the fifteen stations.

        Preparations have been underway for several weeks. Under Ralf, DK1DSA’s control, all required equipment, from large to very small items were sourced to ensure the smooth running of the tests. Oskar, DL3OF, with many enthusiastic supporters has stocked the warehouse from which the WRTC sites will be supplied with equipment.


        By Thursday evening, under the direction of Paul, DL5CW, the last preparation work will be completed so that the antenna training planned for Friday in Prettin can be tackled without delay. Friday evening will see the training of all the teams of helpers. The teams were chosen by Axel, DL6KVA, who will also coordinate the helpers in 2018.

        Saturday will concentrate training on how sites are to be built. The fifteen teams will go to their sites and will be supplied with the required equipment by dedicated delivery vehicles. The goal is to assemble all structures quickly and smoothly, while documenting any areas where the process can be optimised.

        Radio operation and test

        After each site is set up, radio operation is planned. This is mainly to test the online scoreboard system and as publicity for WRTC 2018.
        Measurements to compare the performance of sites are not planned. The radio operators in each location will decide how they will operate. On the low bands many DL OMs will undoubtedly call, as the 15 test session stations have specially assigned DOKs (club codes) WTT01 to WTT15. It is to be expected that there will be a lot of DX traffic in the evening on 20m or 15m as in the US it is the ARRL Field Day and many stations will be on the air. North America will surely be the main source for DX points at the World Championships next year.

        A special diploma for contacts with the test stations is planned. To qualify a log must be submitted, which will then be compared with the logs of the test session stations. Details about the diploma and how to submit a request will be published soon.

        Evaluation and social media

        On Sunday, all WRTC sites will be dismantled and the material checked and stored. It is very important that we collect and evaluate the ideas and suggestions for improvement at this point. We will try to let other amateurs view the event through live pictures on our Facebook page.
        Hamnet experiments are also planned. So it is worth watching social media to get an idea how WRTC works. For us, this is also an experiment that should help us to evaluate the best techniques and new possibilities for 2018.


        The test session will cover

        * Antenna installation training
        * General team building
        * Tent pitching training
        * Radio operation (acting as advertising for WRTC 2018)
        * Scoreboard system test
        * Online media tests (Hamnet, Facebook, Website)
        * Logistics

        The following call signs and special DOKS are planned to be used:

        * WTT01 DA0T
        * WTT02 DR3W
        * WTT03 DF5A
        * WTT04 DP9A
        * WTT05 DM3W
        * WTT06 DM4X
        * WTT07 DM5A
        * WTT08 DM5D
        * WTT09 DP4B
        * WTT10 DP4D
        * WTT11 DP5E
        * WTT12 DP6T
        * WTT13 DR1X
        * WTT14 DR5L
        * WTT15 DR5W


        Michael Höding, DL6MHW
        Vice-President, Fundraising, PR
        73 Al 4L5A



          World Radiosport Team Championship's Sandy Raeker, DL1QQ, talks about WRTC 2018, known as "The Olympics of Ham Radio," which will be held in Germany. Raeker gives an overview of WRTC 2018, updates on fundraising efforts, and ways to learn more info.

          73 Al 4L5A



            Hi folks,

            this weekend is the WRTC 2018 preparation contest for some teams. To study the specific CONDX from the middle of Europe some WRTC participants traveled to Germany to operate the upcoming IARU HF Championship.

            Since the organization committee has to stay neutral we do not organize this operations. We also do not know who is on the air.
            So if you do such serious training session please give us and the world the information about your approach this weekend.

            If you join this, esp. if you go for a WRTC training, you will have some additional fun with your competition.

            ... another 370 days or 53 weeks until WRTC 2018 - a lot of work to do.
            TNX for your support.

            Michael, DL6MHW
            73 Al 4L5A



              Hi folks,
              especially WRTC participants of past and future!

              With reference to the WRTC 2018, the motto of HAM RADIO this year is "Germany plays host to the world". WRTC 2018 is presented in several places at the fair and in the program.

              The highlight of the HAM RADIO 2017 is certainly the "Meet the WRTC" on Saturday 5 PM at the action stage, where WRTC participants from the last 30 years, sponsors and organizers will be greeted. If you are a participant, referee or volunteer of one of the WRTCs in Seattle, San Francisco, Slovenia, Helsinki, Brasil, Moscow or Boston or if you are qualified for the WRTC 2018 please come to the action stage an join the meeting!

              Bring your WRTC shirt with you to show the world the tradition of the World Radiosport Team Championships.

              Moreover Chris, DL1MGB, speaks at the official opening of the fair. In addition to our stand in Hall A1, we will build a WRTC 2018 portable station in the courtyard.

              For just 1 Euro you can win an FlexRadio with Maestro or an Elecraft PA.
              You can increase your chance - simply buy a ticket block with 100 tickets.

              We hope to meet you in Friedrichshafen
              73 de Michael, DL6MHW

              Michael Höding, DL6MHW
              Vice-President, Fundraising, PR
              73 Al 4L5A



                Hi folks,

                the deadline for the TL applications is in just one week. So please hurry up if you are a TL according the standings or if you want to apply for a wild card.

                73 Ulf, DL5AXX
                WRTC2018 qualifications
                73 Al 4L5A



                  For the 2017 IARU HF World Championship, several applicants of the WRTC
                  2018 came to
                  Germany to set up their stations and to test the local propagations.
                  With great local support even contesters from all over the USA made their long way over the pond.
                  you can find their logs, station description and even some pictures of their trials. Many thanks to those guys for sharing your logs with the other competitors you were not able to afford this pre-WRTC trip. And many thanks to those local Germans for offering their stations to the guests from abroad and taking good care of them.

                  73s de Michael- DL6MHW
                  73 Al 4L5A



                    WRTC 2018 e.V., organizer and host of the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) 2018, is proud to announce the 63 teams that will be invited to compete in Germany next July.

                    WRTC is a competition among two-operator teams. Team Leaders have now been selected for each qualifying region based on 2 years of qualifying contest scores. The Team Leaders were given the option to select any operator as a Team Mate to complete their team.

                    The team application and verification process was managed by Ulf Ehrlich, DL5AXX. Ulf pointed out: “This will be a very competitive field. The top three teams of WRTC 2014 in Boston will participate once again in the 2018 event!”

                    The five sponsored teams, all representing high level contesters, have already been announced some time ago. The selection of the Youth and Wild Card Teams required a more formal application process and, therefore, could only be completed recently.

                    WRTC 2018 e.V. has received seven applications from Youth Teams, representing contesters younger than 25. The selection was based on the number of qualification points, as defined in the rules. Team Leaders will be CE2MVF (9107 points), YO8TTT (7254 points) and HA8RT (5056 points). These results made it easy to decide in favor of the three Youth Teams invited to participate in the WRTC 2018 competition.

                    Issuing Wild Cards has been an entirely different process. Similar to the approach taken by the organizers of the WRTC 2014 in Boston we have selected UN9LW (with Team Mate UN7LZ), who missed the qualification criteria by just 24 points. Honoring the cleanest log of high scorers ZL3CW (with F6BEE) was offered another Wild Card. Because of the close competition in region EU#5 featuring outstanding results another Wild Card was offered to 9A7DX (with 9A3LG) to join WRTC 2018. We also invited YV1DIG, performing excellently behind the curtain of zone 9 DXpedition stations. Finally we unanimously selected K1DG, chairman of the WRTC 2014, well known top level contester, and champion of the first WRTC in 1990. Not only did he do an outstanding job in Boston. By offering a Wild Card to him we also wanted to express our appreciation and thanks to all of the many fine people making WRTC 2014 in Boston such a great success. His Team Mate will be N2NT - 2014 Competition Director and number five in NA#1 with 10.6 k points.

                    When making the announcement, WRTC 2018 President Christian Janssen, DL1MGB, stated: “We are pleased to see a mix of veterans of previous WRTC events and first-time participants among the competitors. The teams represent over 35 countries and a wide range of personal backgrounds. While the focus will be on the competition, we are looking forward to hosting the teams and celebrating a week of ham spirit together with competitors, organizers, volunteers and sponsors during the WRTC week.”

                    Questions regarding WRTC 2018 team selection should be submitted by e-mail to
                    73 Al 4L5A

