S9OK FT8 operation guide
We plan to use FT8 as the primary data mode.
We will use multi-slot FT8 in normal mode.
No F/H is expected, do not ask us for that please.
Our main FT8 software will be MSHV.
You can use your favorite software without any problem.
Our principal operating frequencies (+-QRM):
Band kHz
160m 1840*
80m 3580
60m 5357
40m 7071
30m 10144
20m 14090
17m 18109
15m 21080
12m 24923
10m 28080
6m 50313* *
Single slot mode
Here is the guide on how to work S9OK on FT8:
If you hear us on the normal FT8 frequencies, we will not be in the multi-slot mode and working only one station at a time.
If the number of the callers will be high, we will QSY to our DX-pedition frequencies.
Ensure that your computer clock is accurate.
Use any NTP synchronization tool for example https://www.meinbergglobal.com/english/sw/ntp.htm
We will always transmit in the first period.
Call us only if you decode our CQ message.
We will send a CQ message from time to time so that you should not have to wait long to select the call sign.
We will transmit at the center of the audio channel e.g., 1500Hz.
You can call us wherever you want but spread out in the whole audio channel. We will listen approx. from 200Hz up to 3000Hz from the center of the audio channel.
Call us if you need to work with us.
We will often be operating with multi-slot, and maybe conducting several QSOs simultaneously (from 1 to 5).
Call us with the locator! MSHV will be configured that the distant station will have the priority in the queue (sorry, but the distant stations have it harder ...). Once you decode the message ‘ S9OK ... RR73' (also called the TX4 message) from us, you should log the QSO.
This message is transmitted only once as defined in FT8 Fox/Hound protocol (even multi-slot approach is not F/H mode, it keeps the F/H protocol rules). So if you did not get it from us for 2 minutes from the last message addressed to your station, do not call us again and again with R+report message.
You will not get the answer.
Start the QSO again from the begin.
Do not make duplicate QSOs on the same band.
If your callsign does not appear in the log at the ClubLog, feel free to repeat the QSO.
If the internet connections at the island will be fast and stable, the QSO will posted in the real-time to the Clublog live stream. https://clublog.org/livestream/S9OK
Sometimes we will use directional CQs like CQ JA, CQ NA etc.
Please respect it and follow our instructions.
If demand for FT8 QSOs is low or band conditions are poor, we will operate in normal FT8 mode on the standard FT8 frequencies.
Check regularly our WEB page www.cdxp.cz or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472348776313779 for the last updates.
We wish you many QSO and the fun with S9OK expedition by www.cdxp.cz .
And finally, if you can, please support us! Donate EUR https://www.paypal.com/donate token=6IvltdHkXvTv5H_nQSR8LBsK3v8QfbQFu5DZNWHOsxzu zmFbQLU a_rRybloP96WEct6mg8UdBnu3ct2E Donate USD https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=...sjov7top4Ybf8a h9sDztRvUjwpH7LwnL2mJQBchfusbNdUynul5c1swM

Thank you and CU de CDXP Team

S9OK Sao Tome Island