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Super Fox Mode

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    Super Fox Mode

    It was only six years ago, in 2018, that the Baker Island DXpedition changed the face of digital QSOs when it debuted the Fox/Hound sub-mode of WSJT-X. Joe Taylor, K1JT, and his dedicated team of software developers and testers have provided hundreds of thousands of DXpedition QSOs in the succeeding years. In many cases this mode has enabled DXers with limited power and antennas to add new ones to their DXCC awards that would not have been otherwise possible. Also, their open-source programming code led to integration into JTDX, MSHV, as well as continuous improvements to WSJT-X.

    Never resting on what was good enough yesterday, Joe Taylor’s team will soon offer a “SuperFox” mode of WSJT-X for making rapid FT8 QSOs. Hounds chasing the SuperFox DX station will transmit normal FT8 signals, as in the already familiar Fox/Hound mode. But rather than sending concurrent streams of up to five FT8 signals, the SuperFox station will transmit a single constant envelope, using a 1.5 KHz-wide waveform, that conveys signal reports or “RR73” acknowledgments to as many as nine different Hounds simultaneously. Most importantly, there will be no signal-strength penalty for simultaneously transmitting to all those Hounds.
    Another very significant improvement will be a digital signature contained in the SuperFox message that will allow the receiving software to verify the legitimate origin of the signal from a validated DXpedition.
    The SuperFox development team will be beta testing the software in coming weeks with the goal to have it rolled out in time to debut during the N5J Jarvis Island DXpedition a few months from now.
    Stay tuned for further details.
    WSJT Development Team
    73 Al 4L5A

    I am pleased to announce that our new versions with SuperFox mode of both WSJT-X <> and wsjt-x_improved <> are now available for download. We've worked hard on it over the past weeks/months! Furthermore, all installers of my 'improved' version now provide highDPI scaling (4K support). New with "240701-RC5" is that this function can be switched off, and that there is an option for another GUI tweak (the latter primarily intended for the AL version).

    SuperFox mode <> behaves operationally like the old-style Fox and Hounds mode but uses a new constant envelope waveform for Fox’s transmissions. Messages can be transmitted simultaneously to as many as 9 Hounds with no signal-strength penalty, resulting in a system gain of about +10 dB compared to the older Fox-and-Hound operation with 5 slots. Right-clicking on the FT8 button toggles SuperFox mode on/off for either Fox or Hound, allowing quick transitions between SuperFox and old-style Fox and Hound operation. Further details on SuperFox mode can be found in the SuperFox User Guide <> and on the Jarvis 2024 DXpedition homepage <>. Or just watch this video <>.

    IMPORTANT: Hounds must use either WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc5 or wsjt-x_improved 2.7.1-devel "240701-RC5" (or a later release, when available) to receive SuperFox messages!

    Note: With regard to our new SuperFox mode, I have programmed all my improvements directly in WSJT-X as well, so that the source code for this part is identical with wsjt-x_improved.

    Here comes the changelog:

    A. Changes to both WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc5 and wsjt-x_improved 2.7.1-devel "240701-RC5":

    SuperFox mode:
    The SuperFox mode behaves operationally like the present Fox and Hounds mode but uses a constant envelope waveform for Fox's transmissions rather than sending concurrent streams of up to five normal FT8 signals. This approach means that up to 9 messages can be transmitted simultaneously with no signal-strength penalty, resulting in a system gain of about +10 dB compared to the conventional Fox/Hound operation with 5 slots.
    IMPORTANT: Older revisions of WSJT-X and derivative programs will not be able to decode SuperFox transmissions. Hounds must use WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc5 (or a later release, when available) to receive SuperFox messages.
    Hounds chasing the DX station will transmit normal FT8 signals, as in the old-style Fox and Hound mode. QSOs will be logged as FT8 mode.
    When using SuperFox mode, Hound stations may call at any frequency in Fox's received passband, including the range 0 - 1000 Hz. Hounds do not QSY to a lower frequency for their final transmission.
    SuperFox Operation requires the Fox operator to use a valid digital key. Keys will be issued in advance to legitimate DXpeditions by the Northern California DX Foundation, and will be kept secret.
    Every SuperFox transmission includes a unique digital signature. Hounds receiving a SuperFox message will see a "<callsign> verified" flag if the transmitted signature is valid, and the on-screen "Super Hound" label will turn from red to green.
    Hound operation should begin by selecting "Special operating activity", "Hound", and "SuperFox mode" on the Settings -> Advanced tab. Alternatively, right-clicking on the FT8 button toggles SuperFox mode on/off for either Fox or Hound, allowing quick transitions between SuperFox and old-style Fox and Hound operation.
    SuperFox stations can send free text messages of up to 26 characters together with messages to as many as 4 Hounds.
    Other enhancements:
    Corrected a flaw that caused "Log automatically" to not work for the ARRL Digi Contest.
    Control elements for special operating activities are now disabled (grayed out) if the respective function is not applicable.
    Corrected a longstanding flaw that caused "Start new period decodes at top" to stop working properly after some time. (Note: adoption of an "improved" feature).
    Right-click mouse press events are now less error-prone. (Note: adoption of an "improved" feature).
    Improved the readability of the first line when "Start new period decodes at top" is checked. (Note: adoption of an "improved" feature).
    4-digit grids are now logged for certain contest modes to ensure that the log complies with contest rules. (Note: adoption of an "improved" feature).
    The Fox Tx frequency is now saved and restored separately.
    B. Changes exclusively to wsjt-x_improved 2.7.1-RC5 "240701-RC5":
    All versions of wsjt-x_improved now provide highDPI scaling (4K support). This function is enabled by default, but can now be switched off via the checkbox at Settings/Advanced. The highDPI scaling feature usually results in a better and proportionally correct display of the control elements on high-resolution monitors (2K, 4K, 8K, etc.). However, this applies primarily to Windows. My code should theoretically also work on Linux, but this depends on the distribution. MacOS offers its own 4K support out of the box.
    The Advanced tab of the Settings dialog has now a new "GUI tweaks for high-resolution monitors" group box. Besides highDPI scaling there is also a new "Increased height of the tab widget" checkbox. This option is primarily intended for the AL version.
    Some minor improvements and bug fixes.
    Update to hamlib 4.6_2024-06-27_SHA=745e72.
    Enjoy the new version, and in particular our new SuperFox mode!

    73 de DG2YCB,
    73 Al 4L5A




      Super Fox and Hound:

      Here is a great place to start with good information and a Download link.

      I use Norton 360 on my Windows 10 and found Norton would not allow me to download the program. It posted a notice stating the program included a "Threat." Then a moment later it posted a window saying "Threats Resolved - Program is unsafe and has been removed. No further action is required." Looking at the Details, it seems that since the program was released only 15 days ago, not enough Norton users have downloaded it and little is known about it in the Norton community. The first thing I thought was to go into Norton and shutdown the Firewall and the Firewall Advance Program Control and try another download. To my surprise Norton again removed the program, or I should say prevented it from entering my "Download" folder. I turned the Firewall back on and tried a 3rd download. Again, Norton blocked the download. This time I clicked Details and found a method to retrieve and release the program from Norton's Quarantine Folder. That worked great!

      As you might know, this is a pre-release version for testing purposes and will become by design nonfunctional on October 30, 2024. The test includes the current DX-pedition - K8R on American Samoa ending on July 22nd which is the first DX-pedition to use Super F/H and N5J on Jarvis Island running from August 5th to the 17th.

      A little after 1:00 a.m. east coast time, checked DX Summit and found K8R on 20 meters FT8. I gave it a 100 watt shot. It took my Doublet antenna about five or six calls to overcome hundreds of EU stations calling - I watched closely, I was the only NA station calling at that hour. I worked K8R at 0534 UTC.

      A Super great feature is the "Verified'' QSO. The Fox and Hound exchange data. The data between the two needs to be complementary and if so, the QSO is "Verified" in the Hound's Band Activity window. This eliminates the "FT8 Pirate" problem. I believe and hope! Also, you have the peace of mind to know your did work the real deal.

      I am sure this will be the WSJT-X all inclusive new FT8 version in the very near future. I was able to switch back to regular FT8 in three quick mouse clicks. The new version 2.7.0-rc5 will retain all your older versions setting perfectly. NO need to go into "Settings" and re-enter all your "Stuff." Very easy and smooth transition.

      Have fun and lots of DX.


