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CY0/WA4DAN - Sable Island

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    CY0/WA4DAN - Sable Island

    CY0/WA4DAN News
    I will be heading to Sable Island this morning to meet with the on-island staff of Parks Canada to discuss details of our upcoming 2020 CY0 DXpedition. The flight scheduled for October 19th was canceled due to water on the sand landing area on the island. I also plan to test propagation on 20 meters for a couple of hours.

    I am also scheduled to meet with the Parks Canada, Sable Island manager Monday afternoon in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This meeting will be to determine the number of ops we will be allowed to take on the 2020 CY0 DXpedition. We will also try to fine tune the dates for the DXpedition.

    The 2020 CY0 DXpedition team would like to thank Parks Canada for working with us on this venture.
    Very soon we will establish a CY0 website with all of the details for the DXpedition.


    Murray WA4DAN

    QSL via WA4DAN.
    Ads for direct QSL:
    MURRAY D ADAMS, PO BOX 45, FARMVILLE, NC, 27828-0045, USA.

    CY0/WA4DAN Sable Island
    73 Al 4L5A