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FJ/K2LIO - Lurin - Saint Barthelemy Island

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    FJ/K2LIO - Lurin - Saint Barthelemy Island

    Philip Bettan, FJ/K2LIO is retired and active from Lurin, Saint Barthelemy Island, IOTA NA - 146.
    Information from his qrz page:
    I have been licensed since 1955, and was very active on both HF and VHF until the early 80's, when we started our family business. That ended up taking virtually all of my free time, and I gave away all my gear and concentrated on building the business..My wife and I retired a few years ago, and have been spending the bulk of our time on the Island of St. Barthelemy, aka St Barth, in the Caribbean.
    Several months ago, I decided to get back on the air, having not let my license lapse over the years of inactivity. I contacted the guys at HRO and they set me up with a Xeigu G90 and an MFJ end fed wire antenna, and I've been active with that gear since December. I'm loving the G90, which does an amazing job with only 20 watts. My location helps, being surrounded by water and at about 600 feet above sea level. Look for me on 15, 20, and 40, and if you hear my littlle pea shooter, give me a call.



    FJ/K2LIO Saint Barthelemy Island

    Saint Barthelemy Island. Author - Craig Brewer.
    73 Al 4L5A

    FJ/K2LIO will be active again from Lurin, Saint Barthelemy Island, starting 16 October 2021.
    73 Al 4L5A



      FJ/K2LIO will be active again from Lurin, Saint Barthelemy Island, until July or August 2022.
      He will use Icom IC - 7300 transceiver.
      73 Al 4L5A



        FJ/K2LIO from Lurin, Saint Barthelemy Island on 21230 now.
        73 Al 4L5A

