Wolf-Eckart Gruening, DL6JZ will be active as OY/DL6JZ from Kunoy Island, Women Island, Faroe Islands, IOTA EU - 018, until 18 June 2022.
He will operate holiday style on 40, 30, 20m, CW only, using KX3 transceiver and Inverted Vee antenna, QRP.
He will also operate QO - 100 satellite.
QSL via LOTW, ClubLog.
He will automatically send everyone paper QSLs upon his return home.
Kunoy Island, Women Island, Faroe Islands. Author - Erik Christensen.
He will operate holiday style on 40, 30, 20m, CW only, using KX3 transceiver and Inverted Vee antenna, QRP.
He will also operate QO - 100 satellite.
QSL via LOTW, ClubLog.
He will automatically send everyone paper QSLs upon his return home.
Kunoy Island, Women Island, Faroe Islands. Author - Erik Christensen.