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3C3CA - Fernando Po Island

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  • 4L5A
    Please be advised: if you are DX or not. If you send 73 after the QSO, the QSO will be deleted. Enough is enough. If you don't know how to make a QSO, don't lose time with me. And plus. If you call me and have problems to receive me, it is you to find QSO, not ME anymore !!

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  • 4L5A
    Before confirming the QSO at LotW I will now check all entries.

    Any call sign having no entry on QRZ Com or names are missing on QRZ (how is it possible?) will be deleted with pleasure.

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  • 4L5A
    OH2BGD who is this ? There is no entry on QRZ. com Logs will be deleted !

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  • 4L5A
    3C3CA Fernando Po Island, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea News
    Happy to have many many first ones at least on the band.. 12m was amazing today (as of 09:00UTC and later).

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  • 4L5A
    Message from 3C3CA Fernando Po Island, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea.

    Have no PA here. Well have one, two for 10 and 12. Today RX'ed a station from OM land, with +15, to give the fellow ham a sign, that he is well received here in 3C Land. Nothing special. But he replied with +32. Amazing. Keep on walking :-)

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  • 4L5A
    Message from 3C3CA:
    Thank you dear OM friends. Crossed the ocean also two times (*). Thank you for having patience with the weakest weak station on 160m (*) The distance to the many many OM friends from Japan was sure much bigger ..

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  • 4L5A
    3C3CA Fernando Po Island Bioko Island Equatorial Guinea News 18 May 2023
    If you call me and I respond, stay there until we finish the QSO please ! I you call me and I respond to you and you call another station, I do not have problem to make you public ! Now doing this again on 20m FT4 for half hour. Enjoy it !

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  • 4L5A
    3C3CA Fernando Po Island, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea News:
    I will try to cross the Atlantic on 160m as the weakest weak signal station. Friday after 22:30 UTC. LU8 is RX'ing me. But no reply. NA? Want to you try with me?

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  • 4L5A
    3C3CA Equatorial Guinea News
    since it repeated many many time. I will name it !! GR3PXT is a bad operator. I don't know him/she. But always same play with me. Calling me letting me answer and engage in other QSO's. But happened many time !!!!

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  • 4L5A
    3C3CA Fernando Po Island, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea:
    Some times..I want to be a bad person. I call and call. No response. PSK Reporter says, you are ok, he or she is getting you + No response all time. And changed my FQ last night, the calling but not answering station was quite. Why do you do that? no 15 seconds for me?.

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