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EP6DSP - Dezful - Iran

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    EP6DSP - Dezful - Iran

    Sajjad Golchin Poor, EP6DSP is active from Dezful, Iran.
    He is working on HF Bands.
    QSL via WA3FRP direct, buro, LOTW, eQSL, QRZ com Log Book.
    QTH Locator - LM42ej.
    Information from his QRZ page:
    My name is Sajjad, and I became a licensed ham radio operator with the callsign *EP6DSP* in March 2020. Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by short-wave radio and the excitement of receiving DX stations. As I grew up, I realized that amateur radio was the missing piece in my life, and now it has become my favorite hobby.

    My love of ham radio led me to pursue a degree in electronics engineering. You'll often find me engrossed in all things electronics, always exploring new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with technology and the ham radio hobby.

    One of my biggest passions is creating electronic circuits, particularly RF and ham radio kits. I find that building these circuits not only helps me better understand their concepts, but it's also a fun way for me to learn and tinker with technology in my spare time. In addition to circuitry, I also work with Arduino boards and Raspberry Pi in the digital world.

    Another hobby of mine is building and flying UAVs and radio-controlled drones. I find it incredibly thrilling to be able to control and maneuver these devices, and I'm always exploring new ways to improve their performance and capabilities.

    EP6DSP Dezful, Iran
    73 Al 4L5A

    EP6DSP from Dezful, Iran on 14075.6 now FT8.
    73 Al 4L5A



      EP6DSP from Dezful, Iran on 7074 now FT8.
      73 Al 4L5A

