3C1L November 9 - Update
Yuris made another trip to Malabo to get to the Internet. Log uploaded, including so far missing fragment of October 9, and couple more photos were sent as well:
No announcement yet.
3C0L - 3C1L - Annobon Island - Equatorial Guinea
3C1L. November 8 - Update
IK0OPS replied. In short, he justifies dupe QSOs with the late uploads of our logs and uncertainty of success of the QSOs. Suggests us involving sattelite Internet to upload logs in "professional" manner. And says to involve lawyers if we don't remove the post mentioning him, because now he receives angry emails from other HAMs.
Our public reply: Dear all, please do not insult anyone. Dear IK0OPS: as we have written on October 15, you (and others) should not call us if you don't hear us. Confirmation of successful 2-way QSO should be heard on the airwaves, instead of relying on (near) real-time log on the Internet. Which is nice to have, but in no way mandatory and primary goal of DX pedition. Of course we realise, that time to time sudden QRM or QSB prevents the other party from successfully copying the end of the QSO and dupe QSOs can happen later. But for some reason this happens to you 6-7 times more often than to the majority of other HAMs who has 0 or 1 dupe QSO in our log. And also timeliness of online log uploads has nothing to do with you calling us when we call "CQ JA/AS", which you don't mention in your email at all.
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3C1L November 6 - Update
22:00 GMT
IK0OPS - if you read this, can you explain what forces you to make 7 dupe QSOs with 3C1L (already), 6 with 3C0L? And it's not just us. You made 11 dupe QSOs with 5T5OK, and 7 with A25UK as well, for example. Why? We could have spend this time giving someone ATNO (All Time New One) or new band. And it's not that someone abused your call. Because if we search your log on Clublog we can see that you think that you made even more QSOs with us.
And by the way we also noted you insistently calling us on 80m when we were calling "CQ JA/AS"...
12:00 GMT
Some QSOs of October 9-10 were not uploaded to 3C1L Clublog yet. One separate file wasn't copied and uploaded. It will be done later, hopefully this Thursday.
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3C1L November 3 - Update
23:30 GMT
Power cut again. Fuel is over. Turns out hotel owner has not brought more fuel for generator. Whole hotel is in darkness, including bar, refrigerators, A/Cs. That probably means that tonight we can get some sleep.
22:45 GMT
Just had another power cut. Now 220V is back, but Kaspars says that not much fuel is left in generator. Hopefully this will not ruin the 160m sunrise session just promised.
22:00 GMT
56 JAs, few UA0s, UK, 9M6, HL in the log on topband this evening. So no - rate was not 0 as some anonymous "braveheart" spotted. It was around 60 QSOs per hour. At some point Kaspars sent SMS saying that all JAs are packed on one frequency and asked to spread out to make copying easier.
He promises to be back on topband for everyone from 03:00 to 05:00 GMT tonight (before his sunrise).
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November 2 - Update
22:15 GMT
100 more JAs in the log on 80m this evening + some UA9's/UA0's and HLs. Kaspars says there is less QRN today.
Thanks to European operators who were patient (with few exceptions listed). You will have your chance. Yuris is running SSB pile-up on 20m.
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13:30 GMT
Good news. Yuris finally settled issues in Malabo and is on his way back to QTH in Luba with 2nd K3 transceiver, coffee and cigarettes. So we can expect 2 signals on the air soon. And may be SSB again, and even RTTY. Because Kaspars = "CW machine gun", Yuris = SSB/RTTY/CW.
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3C1L. November 2 - Update
08:40 GMT
Kaspars reply to SMS with request to listen for Oceania on 20m: I have tried numerous times. But European HAMs are misbehaving and calling on top of areas I am trying to listen for.
Guys in Europe and elsewhere. Please listen for operator instructions and obey them! If 3C1L calls for specific area (VK/ZL/JA/NA/Asia e.t.c.) and you are in other part of the world, stop calling! Some areas, like Asia and Oceania have short propagation windows to 3C. Europe has much longer openings and shorter path to 3C. So please respect your fellow HAMs in other parts of the world and stop calling when 3C1L is calling for areas outside Europe. Please behave as one might expect from "civilized Europeans".
Those who will misbehave could find themselves in the blacklist with no chances to get QSL.
As a side note, it is quite hard to satisfy all world area requests for being on specific bands on specific time with one station on the air and, as of now, single operator.
Also if you will check in Google Earth software then you will find that 3C1L QTH is facing the ocean in the North West - North direction (Europe and North America). But there are quite high mountains (volcanos) covering directions East-South-West. This is another advantage for EU/NA, besides shorter path and wider propagation windows.
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3C1L November 2 - Update
07:00 GMT
Kaspars comment on less activity last night: had a bit of sleep, then lost electricity, also food, coffee, cigarettes and local cash is over - have to go to the village to solve this.
November 1 - Update
19:30 GMT
Around 15 000 QSOs in 3C1L log. Kaspars is still alone in QTH (3rd day in a row). Was buried by CWT mini-test on 20m. Will take an hour nap to not fall asleep under the table at night. Yuris stays another night in Malabo - still no success with visas and K3, just promises.
Earlier Kaspars told that each evening they have nearby thunderstorms causing QRN, then rain during the night, and sun in the morning. On 160m QRN crackles approximately until 0100Z.
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