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3Y0K - Bouvet Island - Peter I Island

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  • 4L5A
    We’re still negotiating the contracts for a DX-pedition to Bouvet Island. This DX-pedition will be a large scale operation with 20-24 operators and we are searching for 4-6 more CW/SSB operators to complete the team.

    We are looking into several options how to execute the expedition, where the focus right now is the logistics of the helicopters. We previously in late June received the helicopter permit from Norwegian Polar Institute, and thus have all permits we need to activate Bouvetøya. The helicopter permit allow us to setup camp on either the SE or the SW side of the island. In 1927, the first Norvegia expedition landed on Bouvetøya, and claimed it for Norway. They also landed on “Larsøya” a small rocky island at the SW part of Bouvetøya. Our landing permit extend from the plateau above this SW corner all the way to the SE part at Cape Fie. 99 years after the Norvegia expedition we plan to land on Bouvetøya with helicopters. Our permit is valid for a helicopter operation in the period November 2025 to March 2026.

    73, 3Y0K

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  • 4L5A
    Yesterday the 3Y0K Bouvet DXpedition team received the helicopter permit from Norwegian Polar Institute to make landing in the period November 2025 to March 2026. The permit will allow the team to setup camp at the plateau above Larsoya (South West) with clear take-off to North America to Cape Fie (South East). The permit will give the 3Y0K team flexibility and gives them many options when planning the camp setup.

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  • 4L5A
    We are negotiating the vessel contract for a DX-pedition to Bouvet Island in the period November 2025 to February 2026. Exact dates TBD.

    The DX-pedition team will consist of up to 20+ operators with extensive experience in DX-pedition and contesting. The plan is to stay 3 weeks around Bouvet Island, and we will use a large vessel and a helicopter to go to Bouvet. The overall expedition budget is estimated to be in the order of $1,600,000 where we will team up with a small private group who will share the cost. The trip will be fully financed upfront but we will continue to seek donations from clubs and individuals to recover some of our expenses. At the time of signing the contracts we will launch a fundraising campaign, until then we will not seek donations.

    Plan is to stay 3 weeks around the island, and we are considering to setup two camps, one camp at Cape Fie and one camp further west. The second QTH will be dedicated to give better conditions for North America and can be as far west as Larsøya on the southwest side of the island. Above Larsøya with a clear take off to the entire North America from east coast to west coast there is a plateau that can be used as camp area. However, the final decision where the second camp will be located will be decided upon doing a recon flight at arrival. For safety and evacuation reasons we will not setup camp on top of the glacier at Olavtoppen. Krassy K1LZ will be in charge of providing the station equipment, testing, and preparing the setup. A station and camp setup will be published later.

    73, 3Y0K team

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  • 4L5A
    3Y0K license was issued last year and will be used for our 2026 DX-pedition to Bouvet. Our website will be refreshed with more info about the 20+ men team and the plans the next coming days and will reflect the current status when updated. All old info has been removed. We’re still negotiating the contracts for a large vessel + helicopter.

    PETER I 2027 DX-pedition
    We plan to activate Peter I Island in February 2027 with a team of 19 operators, and we’re in the process of negotiating the vessel contract. The DX-pedition will be led by an external Expedition leader and an assistant from an Antarctica Expedition company – Spirit of Sydney. The capacity of the Expedition leaders and the vessel have been reviewed and approved by Norwegian Polar Institute and is the basis for the landing permit we received in April 2024. For more info see

    We’re teaming up with a small private group where we share the total cost of the estimated $2,000,000. Our budget included logistics is in the order of $825,000 where the team has to pay $200,000 now upon signing the vessel contract and total $340,000 within August 2024 and the remaining in 2026. To manage paying these deposits we are seeking donations from clubs and individuals. Our short-term goal is to raise $75,000 by 1st September, and should you wish to donate please do so at our website.

    At the time of activation in 2027 it will be 21 years since the last DX-pedition to this island, and with the current setup we have a unique occasion to bring Peter I back on the air. We’re grateful for any donation that can help us sign the above contracts and your donation will enable the execution of Peter I DX-pedition in 2027.

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  • 4L5A
    Bouvet 3Y0K

    Existing sailboat contract have been cancelled and there will be no January 2025 DX-pedition. We’re now working on securing a large vessel and helicopter for the 3Y0K Bouvet DX-pedition anticipated for 2025/2026. We’re currently negotiating those contracts and we will make an announcement for Bouvet when we’re ready.

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  • 4L5A
    PETER I 2027 DXpedition - #8 most wanted.

    We plan to activate Peter I Island in February 2027 with a team of 19 operators. We have signed a financial agreement with a private group about sharing the cost for this DX-pedition. The DX-pedition budget and our share is around $825,000, of which we must deposit $340,000 in 2024.

    We will go to Peter I with a large vessel and two helicopters, and the DX-pedition will be led by an external Expedition leader from an Antarctica Expedition company – Spirit of Sydney. The capacity of the Expedition leader and the vessel have been reviewed and approved by Norwegian Polar Institute and is the basis for the landing permit we received in April 2024. Our expedition leader has supported more than 80+ expeditions to Antarctica and has previously landed on Peter I three times. With the landing permit and external resources involved we’re ready to move forward negotiating and signing the contracts.

    It should be noted that the total cost of this expedition is approximately $2,000,000, including all logistics, marine, aviation, insurance, safety and rescue, and Antarctica permits. However, the synergies with the small private group and with the Spirit of Sydney Expedition Company have provided enough cost sharing to make this Peter I expedition affordable, albeit still expensive. This is a rare opportunity to activate Peter I and without these unique opportunities to share costs, Peter I would not be possible. At the time of activation in 2027 it will be 21 years since the last DX-pedition to this island, and cost is the primary reason. We have a unique occasion to bring Peter I back on the air. We’re grateful for any donation that can help us sign the above contracts.

    Despite it being almost 3 years until the DX-pedition time, the size of the deposit requires us to start fundraising now to be able to sign the vessel contracts. Conditions for any donation are as follows:

    i) Should we not sign the vessel contracts anticipated next month all donations will be refunded 100%, minus the PayPal fees.

    ii) Should we sign the vessel contracts, all donations will be considered non-refundable, in the same manner as each operator’s contribution.

    Your donation will enable the execution of Peter I DX-pedition in 2027. If you want to donate and make this DX-pedition a success, please visit our website proceed to Peter I section and donate through the link on the website. Our website will be updated the next coming days and in meantime you can also donate directly via PayPal at <> We expect a short time of a few weeks to one month to raise the funds needed to pay our first deposit of $200,000, soon after signing the vessel contracts. DX-pedition planning will start by fall of 2025, but at this time we only raise funds to be able to pay the deposits required in 2024.


    Peter I leadership group

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  • 4L5A
    The following is from LA7GIA, Ken.

    We’re seeking more SSB/CW operators to Peter I Island DX-pedition, dates are confirmed January 28th to February 26th 2027.

    We have received the landing permit from Norwegian Polar Institute and are currently negotiating the vessel contract.

    This DXpedition team will consist of 19 operators where we currently are 10 ops. We’re now seeking additional 3-4 operators to this DX-pedition within short time. Please contact us at <> This is an expensive DX-pedition with a high participation fee, duration 30 days + travel time.

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  • 4L5A
    3Y0K News
    Some guys have been asking for updated info and as of [May 8] we are still exploring what can be a feasible option for us to execute both Bouvet and Peter I. There is a lot of work ongoing, and we have seen some progress. We will release more info as soon as we have reached a definite conclusion, tentatively sometime in June.

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  • 4L5A
    3Y0K donations have been temporarily suspended.
    Unfortunately, the financial risk for the small team is too high and we will spend the next few weeks in April to assess the situation and decide what to do. We will explore all possible options and will revert with more info once we have reached a conclusion. We will not collect donations in this period.

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  • 4L5A
    We have made some further adjustments as Allan EA3HSO is replacing Dave WD5COV as a Bouvet operator. Dave has to withdraw due to family reasons.

    We will update our website to reflect the latest changes with the removal of the remote radios, the current Bouvet operation is thus planned with only local radios. Our four men support team together with the four crew members will be assisting us setting up and running the camp. This will add operating time for the 3 operators that will seek to have 3-5 radios running simultaneously. We still plan for a 2nd QTH dedicated to run NA stations, this QTH will provide better take off and will contain two stations and bands 40-10m and this will also give us antenna separation to run in band. The main QTH is still a good QTH for 160/80 to North America. Our setup is simple but yet powerful enough to achieve a good result, similar to other trips we have conducted. With the sponsored lightweight 1500 W RF Kit amplifiers we will have enough power on all modes.

    The team have self-funded $280,000 of the trip but we still need $75,000 to go to Bouvet to finance the entire $400,000+ budget. We’re seeking further donations to reduce the risk involved for the small 3 men team. A final decision will be made in late April depending on the funds we have raised at that time, and we’re still considering other options. If you want to see 3Y0K Bouvet activated for up to 21 days, please consider to make a donation in April.

    LA7GIA, Ken

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