Anti-Social Pileup Behavior continues on the HF bands as Expedition Funders/Sponsors and
Team Leaders FAIL to fully vet the operators for what is actually required to maintain dignity on
the airwaves. Continued problems have also accelerated fraudulent and nasty cluster postings.
Along with multiple hundreds of hours personally expended in this and related matters, over 10
years ago, I was part of a 10 person “Brain Trust” (“Focus Group”) as will be explained in the video.
In addition to myself, other members included “DX CODE of CONDUCT” Author Randy, W6SJ
(Now unfortunately “SK”, and was disappointed to learn than his callsign was not appropriated as
a Club Call by one of the primary DX-Pedition Funding organizations). Additionally, renown DXPeditioner
and DX University Organizer Roger, G3SXW (“SK”), Ham Radio Legend and Author,
John, ON4UN (“SK”), DX-Peditioner and DX University Organizer Wayne, N7NG, DX-Peditioner
Robert, S53R, as well as Bob, G3PJT, DX-Peditioner and Contester Mark, ON4WW,
Ed, KR3E and Gary, ZL2IFB.
I later decided to do a video presentation to include specifics from my own observations and direct
experiences as an Expeditioner, Contest-Peditioner and my intense personal observations of
hundreds and hundreds of pileups and the ANTI-SOCIAL atrocities committed therein. When I
finally uploaded the video for the 9 others to review, I was humbled by the first response from
Many congrats, Rick. It is superb. I could not disagree or even question you
on a SINGLE point. Tnx very much – I can tell that this was a major project for
you which consumed many, many hours. I like your style: non-confrontational,
non-evangelical: just telling it the way it is. - Roger/G3SXW.
I encourage you to read a few of the 10,000 viewer comments posted below the video on
You Tube before you take the plunge into the almost 43 minute video. Don’t blink or you
may miss some extremely important insights:
73, Rick – K 6 V V A * The Locust - DXCC Honor Roll (376 Mixed) – NCCC Co-Founding Member
Team Leaders FAIL to fully vet the operators for what is actually required to maintain dignity on
the airwaves. Continued problems have also accelerated fraudulent and nasty cluster postings.
Along with multiple hundreds of hours personally expended in this and related matters, over 10
years ago, I was part of a 10 person “Brain Trust” (“Focus Group”) as will be explained in the video.
In addition to myself, other members included “DX CODE of CONDUCT” Author Randy, W6SJ
(Now unfortunately “SK”, and was disappointed to learn than his callsign was not appropriated as
a Club Call by one of the primary DX-Pedition Funding organizations). Additionally, renown DXPeditioner
and DX University Organizer Roger, G3SXW (“SK”), Ham Radio Legend and Author,
John, ON4UN (“SK”), DX-Peditioner and DX University Organizer Wayne, N7NG, DX-Peditioner
Robert, S53R, as well as Bob, G3PJT, DX-Peditioner and Contester Mark, ON4WW,
Ed, KR3E and Gary, ZL2IFB.
I later decided to do a video presentation to include specifics from my own observations and direct
experiences as an Expeditioner, Contest-Peditioner and my intense personal observations of
hundreds and hundreds of pileups and the ANTI-SOCIAL atrocities committed therein. When I
finally uploaded the video for the 9 others to review, I was humbled by the first response from
Many congrats, Rick. It is superb. I could not disagree or even question you
on a SINGLE point. Tnx very much – I can tell that this was a major project for
you which consumed many, many hours. I like your style: non-confrontational,
non-evangelical: just telling it the way it is. - Roger/G3SXW.
I encourage you to read a few of the 10,000 viewer comments posted below the video on
You Tube before you take the plunge into the almost 43 minute video. Don’t blink or you
may miss some extremely important insights:
73, Rick – K 6 V V A * The Locust - DXCC Honor Roll (376 Mixed) – NCCC Co-Founding Member