Andy, Andreas Rehberg, DF4WC will be active as SV9/DF4WC from Kamilari, Crete Island, IOTA EU - 015, Greece, during September 2024.
He will operate holiday style on HF Bands, using ICOM IC-706MKIIG, HF-P1 with portable vertical antenna.
QSL via home call buro, LOTW.
QTH Locator - KM25ja.
Kamilari, Crete Island, Greece. Author - Michael Coghan.
He will operate holiday style on HF Bands, using ICOM IC-706MKIIG, HF-P1 with portable vertical antenna.
QSL via home call buro, LOTW.
QTH Locator - KM25ja.
Kamilari, Crete Island, Greece. Author - Michael Coghan.