Peter, TI2KI is active from Coronado, Costa Rica.
He is working on HF Bands.
QSL via TI2KI.
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Information on his QRZ page:
I operate on 10, 15 and 20 meters with a yagi, and 6 meters with a 6 element yagi built by my uncle Keko, TI5KD. They are stacked on a self supported tower (15 meters high) that was built by another uncle, Fernando, TI2FMP. Current radio is a Yaesu FT-891.
Got my ham radio license in 1998, age 13, taught and introduced to this great hobby by Keko. In 2000 was part of 2 expeditions:
TE8CH Chira Island, IOTA NA-116, with TI5KD Keko,TI4WAM Wil,TI2ALF Gus and TI2CDA Charlie.
TE6U Isla Uvita, IOTA NA-155, with N0KE Phil,TI2WGO Willy,TI5KD Keko and TI2CDA Charlie.
In 2001 there was a decrease in the time I spent in radio due to high school, and by the time I started college the dreadfull conditions in 10-20m. didn't help to get back on the air.
QSL by Bureau.
Oh and by the way, March isn't my second name, it's my surname.
73 and GD DX!!
He is working on HF Bands.
QSL via TI2KI.
Ads for direct QSL:
Information on his QRZ page:
I operate on 10, 15 and 20 meters with a yagi, and 6 meters with a 6 element yagi built by my uncle Keko, TI5KD. They are stacked on a self supported tower (15 meters high) that was built by another uncle, Fernando, TI2FMP. Current radio is a Yaesu FT-891.
Got my ham radio license in 1998, age 13, taught and introduced to this great hobby by Keko. In 2000 was part of 2 expeditions:
TE8CH Chira Island, IOTA NA-116, with TI5KD Keko,TI4WAM Wil,TI2ALF Gus and TI2CDA Charlie.
TE6U Isla Uvita, IOTA NA-155, with N0KE Phil,TI2WGO Willy,TI5KD Keko and TI2CDA Charlie.
In 2001 there was a decrease in the time I spent in radio due to high school, and by the time I started college the dreadfull conditions in 10-20m. didn't help to get back on the air.
QSL by Bureau.
Oh and by the way, March isn't my second name, it's my surname.
73 and GD DX!!