9M8HAZ is currently active as 3D2HAZ from Fiji.
He will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via home call.
Information from his QRZ page:
•FT8 (starting somewhere in 1st Week of Jan-2025 onward - only 6/10/12/15/20m)
•FT4 (starting somewhere in 2nd Week of Jan-2025 onward - only 6/10/12/15/20m)
•SSB (starting somewhere in Jan/Feb onward)
•CW (starting somewhere in Feb onward)

Fiji. Author - Mario Fleig.
He will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via home call.
Information from his QRZ page:
•FT8 (starting somewhere in 1st Week of Jan-2025 onward - only 6/10/12/15/20m)
•FT4 (starting somewhere in 2nd Week of Jan-2025 onward - only 6/10/12/15/20m)
•SSB (starting somewhere in Jan/Feb onward)
•CW (starting somewhere in Feb onward)

Fiji. Author - Mario Fleig.